Chapter 5

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I groaned as my alarm woke me up. I am usually a morning person, but today I was just not having it. I rolled off the bed, and fell on the floor, making a loud thud. The dogs ran on in, and started to shower me with their giant slobbery kisses.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I shouted to them.

I hopped in the shower, to wash off the dog breath kisses. Then I started my morning routine. Once I was all ready, I grabbed my phone, and rode the railing down the stairs. I was just in that kind of mood.

I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a bite to eat. Today I went with oatmeal. I loaded a bunch of brown sugar into the bland oats, until it turned a deeper shade. Perfect.

I sat down and enjoyed my food, as Ryan barged into the kitchen.

"Geez Ryan!" I shouted at him.

"Sorry, I woke up late."

"We have like 20 minutes, no need to rush."

"Well, I need to eat, so I do need to rush."

"Whatever," I sigh, knowing this conversation would never go anywhere.


"Bye Ryan!" I yell to my brother, as I slam his door shut. I race up to the school.

I slow down, realizing that I am running into school. I have no clue why either, it's not like anything exciting will ever happen here.

I drop off my stuff at my locker, and go find Haley, like always. As I make my way over to her locker, I notice she isn't alone. I stop dead in my tracks, and stare. She is with Joey! And to make it even better, she is blushing. Aww, they're so cute, I could nev-

"Ah!" I shout as I tumble to the ground. I guess it was kind of stupid to stand in the middle of the hallway.

"Mia! I am so sorry, I didn't see you there." Leo apologizes, and helps me up.

"Oh, seriously, it's my fault, I'm sorry I should not have been standing there. And anyway I am perfectly fine."

"Good. I never ever want to hurt you Mia," he says with a sweet smile.

"Aw, Leo. That's so sweet." I blush and give him a small hug.

"See you around?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say as we part ways. I continue on my journey to math, not planning to ruin Haley and Joey's time together.

"Hey," a voice says behind me.

"Hi Logan." I turn around and smile. Geez, I feel so popular.

"So, what was that about?" He says randomly.

"Uh what, Leo?" I ask.

"Yeah, in the hallway." He replies.

"Oh, well he bumped into me and I fell, and he helped me back up. Why?"

"Oh nothing, just wondering." He says and walks away.

Weird, I think to myself, as I find my seat in 1st hour.

A couple minutes later, Haley walks in, and finds her seat right next to me.

"OH MY GOD MIA!" Haley starts her story, "Let me just sum it up, I'll give you all the details later. So I was just standing and Joey came and he was all like, 'hey,' and I was all like, 'hey,' and then we started talking, and he was super interested in me, and I was super interested in him, and then all of a sudden, he just asks me on a date, and of course I said yes, and he said he is gonna take me out to dinner, and a movie, on Sunday." She says all in one breath.

"Haley! That is so amazing, I am so happy for you!" I said genuinely, as I could see the joy sparkle in her eyes.

Logan walks in, and sits behind me.

"Hi girls," he says.

"Hi," we say in sync.

"Congrats Haley, Joey would not shut up about asking you out."

"Thank you so much! He really kept talking about me?" She asked, her smile growing bigger.

"Yep." He said.

"All good things?"


"Oh my god. Mia, help! Ima die from happiness!" She fell back in her seat, and sighed.

"It's like her fairytale came true." I said smiling, just as the bell rang.

"Hello class. I hope everyone did their homework. Pull that out now." Mr. Monotone said.

I pulled mine out, luckily I completed them all except for #4.

"Okay class, over my weekend I made sticks with your names on it. I will pull sticks for each problem. The first person is Andrew. Andrew. How did you do number one?" He said and I mentally groaned. I hate this class, and I hate these sticks. I, of course will be pulled for #4, because that's how it always goes.

"Good job Andrew. Next is Chloe. Do #2....Good job Chloe. Next is Jeff. Do #3." He says over and over again. Going over homework usually takes half the period, if not more. He just talks so freaking slow.

"Good job Jeff. Next is...Mia." I swear his voice lowed 5 octaves when he said my name. "Do #4."

"Oh, um, I didn't get that one. I could do 5 though." I said innocently.

"I'm sorry. you didn't get that one? Well do it now. We will all be watching and waiting, Ms. Johnson."

"No, I can do it." Haley pipes up.

"Excuse me? Haley, darling. I didn't pull your stick. That means that you don't talk." He taunts her, "Go Mia, what are you waiting for?"

"Uhm, okay so do you multiply by the squared root of 6 first?" I ask, unsure of what I'm doing. My face is turning red.

"Mia, why on earth would you do that. Hahahahaha. Try again." The teacher scoffs at me.

"Excuse me, Mr. K," Logan stands up, "Stop being rude to your students. I just so happened to catch all of this on video. The way you are treating Mia, today, and Friday, is just disgusting. There is no way you are stopping me. I am taking Mia down to the principal's office to report this inhumane behavior." Logan grabs my hand and pulls me out of the classroom.

 I hear Mr.K's shouts behind us, but they eventually fade.

"Hey, Mia. Are you okay?" He stopped and turned me so we were facing each other.

"Yeah, I guess. I just feel so stupid and embarrassed." I said truthfully, having a single tear roll down my cheek.

"Mia, you aren't stupid. I struggled with that problem too. That was the hardest one and he knows it."

"It doesn't feel good to be bullied by a teacher." I say as a few more tears come.

"Don't cry beautiful. We'll fix it. I'll fix it." He whispers as he brings me into a tight hug, and kisses the top of my head.

After a minute or two, we pull apart, and I wipe my face, clearing any stray tears.

"Okay, let's go talk to the principal," He says, as he smiles down to me.

"Okay." I said as I smile back up.

Today is a weird day.



Hey everyone! I feel so bad. I have been having a lack of motivation. I am going to try my very best to update at least once every week, but no promises. I will update once every month though. Thank you so much for making it through Chapter 5, and please bare with me and keep reading. All your support would be greatly appreciated.

Love you guys!


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