Chapter 6

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This week went by fast. After that whole mess in math class on Monday, Mr. K was fired. We currently have an old lady as our substitute until they find a replacement. Logan has been very nice to me, but I'm not complaining. 100% not complaining. I really am starting to crush on him... hard. Today is Friday, and thankfully, the final bell is going to ring any minute. 

The bell goes off, and everyone runs out. I always want to be the last one out, because I get trampled all the time. I never thought being 5'0 was so short, but in the hallways I feel like an ant.

As I make my way to my locker, Haley runs by me.

"Sorry girl! I won't be able to drive you home! My mom won't stop texting me, I'm so sorry!" She says.

"That's fine. I'll just wait until Ryan's football practice gets out. He can drive me. Good luck." I say and give her a reassuring look. Haley never knows what her parents need her for, but it usually isn't good.

"If it isn't anything big, I'll pick you up for the game?"

"Yeah, if it's not an issue."

"We'll see, bye!" She says as she runs down the hall to get to her car as soon as possible.

I finally arrive at my locker, and throw my stuff in my locker, my bag over my shoulder, and slam the locker shut. I always feel like I'm a gorilla when I slam it shut. Like, I just want to let out a roar, or whatever you wanna call it. Sorry, I'm a little weird.

I walk out near the football stadium, and sit on the picnic tables right outside of it. I pull out my phone and look for some good recipes. A couple minutes later, I hear a lot of shouting coming from the school. I look up, and sure enough, the players are all on the way out here. Ryan sees me and runs ahead to talk.

"Mia, what are you doing here?" He asks as he sits next to me.

"I have no ride. How long is your practice?"

"About an hour, than we have a 45 minute break until warm-ups for the game."

"Oh, I could walk home so I don't waste your break because then I'd feel bad."

"Here, let me see if coach will let Alex take you. He's out for the next week or 2 for an injury. I'll be back, hang tight." Ryan jogs off towards the team in the field. A minute or so later, Alex makes his way towards me.

"I guess I'm taking you to your house. Come on." He says rudely. I quietly follow him, trying not to provoke him. "Hop in," he says once we reach the car, "You're lucky I like Ryan, and that you're nice," he snaps.

Geez, I think to myself.

The car ride was extremely awkward, but it only took 5 minutes. I got out, and just barely shut the door before he zoomed away. I walk in greeted by Dylan and Cody, which automatically puts a smile on my face. I head up to my room and throw my bag on my bed and plop down. I should really call Haley and see if she is okay. Just as I was about to dial her number, my phone starts vibrating and her face pops up on my screen. I love when this happens.

"Hey, what's up?" I say into the phone, putting it on speaker since no one is around.

"Hi, so it was basically nothing. My mom just didn't know where the remote was. It was literally in the drawer. She screamed at me because I 'pranked' her, but it's whatever I guess."

"Well, that's better than expected which is good."

"Yeah," she sighs, "oh! Are you still at the school? I could swing by and drive you home."

"Nope, I was driven here by Alex, and he is so rude and snarky. I don't know his deal."

"Oh yeah. Alex... I remember him from last weekend. He is kind of a douche."

"Yeah, well, do you want to swing by, we could get ready for the game together, even though there is like nothing to get ready with."

"Yeah, that'd be fun"

"See you in 10?"

"Yup. Toodles!"


10 minutes later, Haley arrives.

"Hey!" I greet!

"Hi!" She says as we hug.

"So the game starts at 7, so we should shoot to get there at like 6:30?"

"Yup, sounds good." Haley says.


We get there at 6:30 and grab seats in the front. Whenever we come, we always sit there so Ryan can see us. We get our pizza and soda from the concessions while it's not busy, then sit down and enjoy the pre-game stuff.

Once 7 rolled around, all the boys ran out. Ryan saw us, and flashed a smile, showing he knows that we are here. The girls around us sighed, thinking it was for them. Haley and I just burst out laughing. I look back at the field and I see Joey staring at Haley. I nudge her and she looks up, and turns a light shade of pink. She smiles and waves, and he waves right back. I swear they are too cute. I finally found Logan, where he is scanning the crowd. He spots me, smile and nods, then turns around. His girlfriend, Sarah, one of the cheerleaders, sees him, runs on the field and hardcore kisses him. Wow. Okay... I look away. This is too much for my wee little, pathetic heart to handle, and wait for the buzzer to begin the game.




Sorry this chapter is not very interesting...

Thank you so much for sticking with this book, it means so much. I would love it if you wanted to vote, but that's up to you. I appreciate every read this gets, so thanks.

Love you guys, 


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