Chapter 32

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The doorbell rings signaling Leo has arrived. I let out a quick breath of air, before opening the door. I am met with a strong fragrance, which instantly calms me down.

"Hey, cupcake," Leo says with a bright smile on his face. He is wearing dark jeans, and a black button up. His sleeves are bunch up to his elbows.

"Hey, Leo," I smile.

"You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," I feel my cheeks flush. Haley helped me get ready before she left. I put on the outfit she bought me yeaterday, and curled my hair slightly. I also put on some mascara and pale pink lipstick. "You're not so bad yourself."

He chuckles, "You ready to go?"

"Of course," I reply. I shut the front door behind me before I make sure to lock it. Nobody is home. My parents are back on a business trip after their recovery, Katie is at her friend's house, and Ryan is who knows where.

Leo opens the car door for me, in which I thank him. He gets in before pulling out onto the main road.

I stare out the window. Is this a date? I keep asking myself. I can't help but get it off my mind. Does Leo like me like that? Does he see me as a sister? He couldn't like me. It would never work. Ryan wouldn't let it. It didn't work the last time I dated one of his friends.

"You look distressed, can I help you out?" Leo asks, throwing a small smile.

"Oh, um," I trail off. I better ask now, and clear up my thoughts. "Is this a date?" I mumble quietly, but I know he heard me.

"Do you want it to be a date?" He asked pulling into the parking lot.

"I, uh, I'm," I stutter. What if I say yes, and he laughs at me for thinking that? No, it's Leo. He wouldn't. Before I'm about to answer completely, Leo jumps in.

"It's okay. A date is just a word. This doesn't have to be a date, it doesn't have to be a get together. It can be a whatever we feel like."

Somehow that made me a little more at ease. "Okay, it's a whatever we feel like." I say with a laugh.

"Sure is," Leo grins.


"So good," I moan as I eat my last bite of pasta.

"I told you shrimp scampi is the bomb," Leo laughs, as he signs the check.

"Yeah, well how did you like the chicken marsala?" I ask as I put my napkin on the table.

"It may just be my new favorite," he admits.

"Ha! I told you it's the best dish here. Although, the shrimp scampi might just steal it's place."

"No way," Leo says in a serious tone.

"Yes way, the shrimp scampi is the number one dish now." I laugh.

"You're incorrect, cupcake. It's the chicken marsala."

"Leo, I think it's time you go to the doctor," I say seriously.

His grin turns into a look of confusion, "Why do I need to go to the doctor?"

"To get your taste buds checked because they're broken or something." I say with a proud smile. He immediately bursts into laughter, making me rethink my career path. Maybe I should go into comedy.

"Did not see that coming," he says, wiping tears, "Ready?" he asks, putting on his coat.

"Yeah," I reply, doing the same.

We exit the building, and get into his car.

He pulls out of the parking lot, before he drives me home.

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