Chapter 23

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"Good afternoon, Mia," Leo says as I slowly sit up.

"Good afternoon? How long was I asleep?" I ask as I stretch.

"Probably about 5 hours, it's like 3 o'clock right now," He answers looking at his phone.

"Oh my gosh! And you didn't move for that long?"

"Yeah, I took a little nap too, then I was just on my phone. Don't worry about me," Leo says with a smile.

"Okay," I say as I slouch back on the couch and yawn, "Shoot!"


"Does Ryan know I'm here? He was worried about me when we walked into the school today," 

"Yeah, I texted him and I told him to tell Haley too," 

"Wow Leo, you are pretty awesome," I stand up, just in time for my stomach to growl.

"Hungry?" Leo asks, as I give him a sheepish grin. "C'mon let's go get some food."

We take the elevator downstairs, head out the door, and make our way to Leo's car.

"Where do you want to eat?" Leo asks.

"Leo, I don't have any money on me."

"It's fine, I was going to pay anyway. Where do you wanna eat?"

"Um, I don't know," I am very indecisive.

"Okay, Olive Garden?" Leo suggests.

"That's expensive though!"

"Yeah, that's okay," He says as he gestures to his mansion behind us.

"Right. Olive Garden sounds good."

"Sweet, let's go."


"Table for two, please," Leo tells the lady at the front desk.

"Okay, you can follow me," She guides us to table, near the back of the restaurant . There weren't many people here at this time. "Your server will be here shortly," She smiles and walks off.

"Do you know what you'll get?" I ask Leo, who hasn't touched the menu.

"Yeah, Shrimp Scampi. The best dish,"

"Oh really?" I ask as I put down my menu.


"Hate to inform you, but you're wrong,"

"Excuse me?" He asks as he puts his hand on his chest.

"Yup, Chicken Marsala is the best," I smile confidently.

"Oh sure. . ."

The server appears. He has dirty blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. He seems to be about our age.

"Hello, what can I get you?" He asks with a smile.

"Hi, can I get a coke, salad, and the Shrimp Scampi," Leo says, as the server scribbles it down on the pad.

"And for this gorgeous girl," he says with a wink causing me to blush.

"I'll have an iced tea, salad, and the Chicken Marsala,"

"That's my favorite dish here, you have great choice. I'll be back with the drinks and salad." The server walks off, and I turn to Leo.

"Ha! He said my dish was the best!" I smile victoriously. 

He gave me a small smile back. "Do you know him?"

"Nope, I've never seen him before. Why?" I bet he thought I planned it so the server would say my dish is better.

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