Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I know I said I wouldn’t get drink again, I know, I know. I also know that its bad for me, I know that it could totally damage my athletic career, I could go back to the girl I use to be. I’ve heard it all before, but right now I didn’t give a care in the world as I downed a beer. I smiled at the random girl who was laughing.

“Okay Kathleen one more!” She chuckled, I nodded and crossed my legs as I stood, taking the beer from her hand, she counted to three as I began to chug it down, I’ve always been a good chugging drinks, so when I won I wasn’t really surprised. I smiled at her.

“I win.”

I walked away and towards the crowd in the middle of the living room or something dancing, I grabbed who ever was beside me and began dancing with them, not really carring who as I grinded to the beat of the song. My dress was clinging to my body and it was making it pretty hot in here, I wish I would have wore some shorts and a tank instead of this ugly ass pink dress. I mean in the beginning it was really pretty and I thought yeah, I’ll look hot but it just got in the way. So did my hair, right about  now I wanted to chop it off! 

Hot breath was on my neck as I continued to dance with whoever, but I knew it was a guy because when I turned around I faced a very attractive looking boy- his skin was a natural tan color, his dark brown hair was place perfectly on his head, his very…very light brown eyes starred into my dark brown ones. He smiled at me as he grabbed my hands and moved them in circle motion, not even caring that this totally wasn’t the type of dancing you’d do to this song. What did he think we were at, a formal party for the Queen?

“So what’s your name gorgeous?” He asked smiling at me, I couldn’t help but feel happy, maybe I was getting drunk. I knew I wasn’t drunk now, but I was close enough. I smiled and shrugged.

“Maybe you’ll find out by the end of the night.”

He laughed loudly, throwing his head back, “I hope so.”  With that, we kept dancing with our hands in to our sides moving in circle motions as we just swayed from side to side, we didn’t even talk, just starred at each other. Pretty intense I know! Flicking my hair to the side, I flipped my hair over my shoulder and continued to dance with this mysterious handsome boy.

“Ready to tell me your name?” He asked.

“Kathleen.” I smiled at him as the song change.

“I’m Adam.”

Gosh, I love that name! I always wanted to name my future son that, Adam Tyler whatever his last name would be. So having this boy, who’s name was Adam, dance with me, was totally awesome.

“That’s cute.” I giggled, he smiled.

“Well, I think Kathleen is cute too, really long though…gotta nickname?”

I thought about it, shaking my head I answered, “No not really. I mean some people call me Leen or Kathy or something but that’s very rare.”

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