Interview with @AshTensei

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@AshTensei is the author of 'Mana' which is now a featured book on Wattpad. You can check out his story by clicking on the external link.



1. What do they call you?

A. They call me Tensei. I think this might be because back when I was a teenager, I was so heavy into anime. I’m pretty sure most of us know who Kakashi sensei is. Yep, that was me most of my life.

(I still am very into anime :))

2. How long have you been writing?

A. I’ve been writing for about 4 years now. That’s when I began to write The Mana Saga, anyway. You could always catch me at a spelling be or read-aloud though. (Even won out of state trips from it.)

3. Which part of writing a story, do you enjoy the most? (Creating characters, the plot and the subplots, the beginning/ending or the middle)

A. Hmm. I really enjoy making filler stuff. I’ll explain. When I write a story, I must first know the ending, then the beginning. If I know how it ends and how it begins, then all the juicy stuff in the middle is left blank. Just how I like it! Anything can happen so long as it leads up to the end.

4. Have you faced any embarrassing moments, in terms of writing?

A. Nah, not really. Just a lot of hardships. One particularly moment I remember was when a reader told me I was the worst writer who ever lived and I should never have been born. No joke, I believe the review is still on Amazon. I just keep trucking.

5. Which is your favorite color? Have you made any reference to it in your story/stories?

A. My favorite colors are purple and black and you’d better believe I made some references! Mana, the first book of The Mana Saga sports a black and purple cover where there is an onyx (black) pendant with amethyst smoke trapped inside. Dragoon Oblivion in my story is also black and purple. Those colors are scattered across the books I have planned.

6. Out of the stories you have written on Wattpad, which is the most memorable one?

A. Mana. That book will never escape my thoughts. It was the first true accomplishment I’ve made.

7. Are you planning on publishing soon?

A. I get asked this often because I never really talk about it. Mana is already published through a press called Paramance. Yes, it’s true that Mana can be purchased for Kindle and through Paperback through or I like the feel I get from Wattpad and I really enjoy the community. While I still have dreams of making it with a big publisher, Mana is currently in the hands of a small press already.

8. Which is your favorite book/series on Wattpad?

A. I haven’t been on Wattpad long, so I don’t think I can say I have one yet. However, I’ve seen some great titles there and when time frees up, I’ll be reading a lot more!

9. What kind of help do you provide - critiques, free advice or editing?

A. If you can catch me at a good time, then I offer everything. I mainly stick to the free advice side because people actually enjoy hearing what’s on my mind. I suppose I have a lot of wisdom to share.

10. Which author do you idolize (off Wattpad)?

A. Technically, Edgar Allen Poe’s profile is on Wattpad. I’ll go with him.

11. If you were a newbie, which part of the story would you focus on most?

A. If I was a noob, huh? I suppose was, I would spend a lot of time focus a lot of time on the character. Not that focusing on the character is bad, but that’s a noob move. I don’t like when first time writers feel that they have to describe their characters all the time. It’s boring! I barely read books with models on the covers because I know what to expect and it’s the truth! Writers would be better spending more time with the inner workings of the story and through great description, a character will build themselves to the reader.

(good advice !)

12. Which is your favorite character (off Wattpad)?

A. What a large selection to choose from! I think everything on there is wonderful (Except what I don’t think is wonderful) :P

13. If you were given a choice to become one character (of your story posted on Wattpad) which one would you be and why?

A. Can you believe I’ve never thought about that? I suppose I would want to be Eurich. Not only does Eurich have the power to become a legendary dragoon at any time, but he also has the embrace of the girl of his dreams. Eurich must be the luckiest man on the planet!

14. Do you prefer dark romance or the usual?

A. I did mention Edgar Allen Poe earlier, right? I like my ‘happily ever after’ sometime, but there is nothing more realistic than tragedy. Even Shakespeare grew to know this as he wrote A Midsummer’s Night Dream. With that in mind, expect the unexpected if you decide to keep up with my series.

15. Where do you look for your inspiration?

A. Anywhere! Mainly through music though. It can range from punk AFI to classical composers like Adrian Von Ziegler or songs like The Ukiswind. But sometimes, it can be from anywhere. Would you believe that a major plot turning point in my sequel to Mana, Golden Darkness, came from a Windex bottle? Believe it.

16. What’s your favorite TV show?

A. Ooooh I have a few actually! Heroes: Man, I can’t say enough good things about that show. I have the entire box set on BluRay. If you like..nah, loved Heroes—talk to me! My anime TV shows would be Naruto, Death Note, Outlaw Star and such. Currently, I’m really in love with this show called Leverage. (Actually I fanboy over leverage quite hard)

17. Do you prefer more reads, votes or comments?

A. Reads! I’m happy to know that even if you didn’t like it, you still gave it a chance and I appreciate that. I still like votes and comments because I like it when I can engage others. Heck, if you’re daring, write on my message board or send me a PM.

18. Imagine the world is collapsing around you, what would you choose to save – technology or books?

A. Technology. I’m really philosophical and if I can use technology the right way, then I suppose I could avoid a world like the current world when I rebuild again. Plus I’m smart as shiz :D I’d be ready.

19. What is the best advice you have given and received?

A. The best advice I’ve ever received was never settle for less. That was given to me by my mother. My memories of my advice are fuzzy ha! But if I have given you some good advice, please let me know!

20. Any extra tips for our young writers?

A. Stay strong! People are gonna tell you suck and probably go die in a ditch. (I’m for real, I’ve read a comment where the reader wanted the author to get raped because they didn’t write something to their liking. You’re gonna get all the hate that comes with being a young writer, but just keep pushing! I swear there’s light at the end of that tunnel. I’m living proof, baby!


I hope you enjoyed this interview !

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