Interview with @xxmajaine

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@xxmajaine is the author of 'The Lores of Lyra' trilogy and a very sweet ambassador :) ! She has also written a guide to help the users promote thier stories on Wattpad, called -- 'GUIDE: Promonation' (Promote your story on Wattpad) ! You can check out this book by clicking on the external link on the side :) !



1. What do they call you?

A. Maja, I suppose. lol.

2. For how long have you been writing?

A. I started writing Oct 23, 2010. So, around three and a half year.

3. Which part of writing a story, do you enjoy the most?

A.  Everything. Everything from the idea to the moment I finish a first draft.

4. Have you faced any embarrassing moments, in terms of writing?

A.  Plenty. English is my second language, and sometimes that shines through and makes some odd combinations.

5. Which is your favorite color? Have you made any reference to it in your story/stories?

A. My favorite color is blue, and I think I have mentioned blue at some point in each of my stories.

6. Out of the stories you have written on Wattpad, which is the most memorable one?

A. That's impossible to answer. I love them all. For me, they're all memorable because they're a part of me. If you ask my readers, though... I think they might have another perception. :)

7. Are you planning on publishing soon?

A. Soon? Not really. In a way, I would like to, but I am in no way ready yet.

8. Which is your favorite book/series on Wattpad?

A. That's hard to answer, as there's so many good ones.

9. What kind of help do you provide - critiques, free advice or editing?

A. free advice? I suppose. Sometimes I help a friend with editing, but it's rare, and I don't know how much help I am. I also have random critique sessions.

10. Which author do you idolize (off Wattpad)?

A. Again, too many to choose.

11. If you were a newbie, which part of the story would you focus on most?

A. I am in some ways still a newbie. But I particularly focused on the idea making back when I started.

12. Which is your favorite character (off Wattpad) ?

A.  Adrian Ivashkov. lol.

13. If you were given a choice to become one character (of your story posted on Wattpad) which one would you be and why?

A. I don't need to choose, I'm all of them. Lol. You really don't take into consideration how many stories I have, do you? Well. Here's the names: Vega, Aurora, Aina, Unique, Sam, Caoimhe, April, and Gabby. lol. One from each story, that's allowed, right? Overall, probably Aina cause she's half dragon.

14. Do you prefer dark romance or the usual?

A. It really depends on my mood. I think a book should have a bit of both, I guess?

15. Where do you look for your inspiration?

A.  I look around me.

16. What’s your favorite TV show?

A. Right now? Teen Wolf. The lengths I would go for that show right now. lol. But otherwise, I can't choose. Too many.

17. Do you prefer more reads, votes or comments?

A. I prefer all three. But I guess votes, because it shows me they've been there, and they found it worthy of a vote, without necessarily having something to say.

18. Imagine the world is collapsing around you, what would you choose to save – technology or books?

A. Books. Technology could be rebuilt with the help of books. So with books around, everything is possible.

19. What is the best advice you have given and received?

A.  Writers write.

20. Any extra tips for our young writers?

A. Just keep writing. It's really THAT easy, and THAT hard. You won't be a J. K. Rowling in the first try, but if you keep trying you *might* actually get there some day.

(nice :) !)


I hope you guys liked the interview :) !

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