Not Irrelevant

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      Camille sends a memo down from her office around 2 o'clock the next day. Her assistant gives me a sharp glare as she drops the envelope on my desk, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder as she leaves. With the panic tight in my throat, I open it. Inside are instructions and a few pages of sample interview questions for tonight.

Alec Light,

I've had my people deliver a suit to your address for the occasion. Some sample questions are here, but feel free to add your own, assuming you know what the hell you're talking about. Dinner is at 6, sharp, be ready by 5:30, I'll have a cab pick you up. Do not take this lightly.

Regards, Camille.

She must really think highly of Magnus Bane to do all this. I sigh, placing the pages back inside the envelope and decide to go on coffee break. A little caffeine could do me good, considering I barely slept last night worrying about this. As I step into the break room, I see Simon sipping his own coffee, looking out the window. He turns and smiles at me, before instantly launching into it.

"So what the hell did Camille want yesterday? Spill. And I saw her assistant give you an envelope. What was that about?" I sigh again, finding myself doing that a lot over the past couple of days. Running my hands through my hair nervously, I head over to the coffee machine.

"You know Magnus Bane, the businessman?" Simon nods, knitting his thick brows together behind his glasses. "Well, Camille and he are friends or something, and she's scored an interview with him." I can tell Simon has no clue where I'm going with this, so I sit down on the couch.

"And? What does that have to do with you?" Simon follows, perching on the armrest. I turn myself to face him.

"And apparently, Mr. Bane has seen my work or something. And he likes it. So he agreed to take the interview, with the condition that I am the one to conduct it. Over dinner. Tonight." Simon nearly squeals, sliding off the armrest, causing me great unease as I watch his coffee cup jostle considerably.

"No freaking way. The Magnus Bane, wants to be interviewed, by you." I nod, biting the inside of my cheek. "Oh my God, this is huge Alec. You know, I heard that he's bisexual or something, maybe he wants you to interview him because he's got the hots for you or something." I nearly choke on my coffee, spluttering over the rim as I look at Simon with wide eyes. He only grins.

      True to her letter, there's a box in front of my apartment door. Groaning internally, I pick it up, jamming my key into the lock before stepping inside. I set the box gingerly on the counter and kick my shoes off, almost afraid to look inside. My wardrobe is simple, mainly black, and nothing too nice. I don't really pay attention to it. After stealing a moment for myself to calm down, I bring the box into my bedroom, slowly lifting the lid. Inside, folded pristinely, is a perfectly ironed deep gray suit. I bite my lip as I carefully unfold it onto my bedspread. It's crisp and entirely too expensive for my wardrobe. As I stroke it's soft fabric, I note that Camille never said whether it was a rental or not. I figure she'll want it back after tonight. The pocket square is deep blue and folded intricately. There's a jet black shirt to go underneath the pinned waist coat, and a blue tie to match the pocket square. I've never worn anything like this in my entire life. When I start to feel the panic rise, I decide it's best if I ignore the elephant in the room and hide away in the shower until I feel slightly human again.

Once the suit is on, it starts to become all too real. I glance at the clock, adjusting my cufflinks. The shoes she sent with it are black as well and shined to perfection, so much so that I fear walking in case I scuff them. I fix my hair one last time and note that I only have a few minutes until the cab is due to arrive. With a deep sigh, I grab my briefcase and head downstairs.

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