Shopping Can Be Fun

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       Work goes by as normal and by the end of the day I'm ready to curl up and have a nap. Magnus meets me in the lobby and immediately winds his fingers with mine, giving my hand a slight squeeze as we walk outside. 

"I was thinking we could walk?" He says, glancing over at me. I smile, and despite being tired, nod. 

"Yeah, sure." He smiles back and swings our hands between us a bit as we walk. I chuckle softly at the childish gesture. He grins brightly before speaking. 

"When did you want to move in?" He's so blunt about everything, it's one of the things I love most. 

"Whenever works for you, though I should call my landlord..." I shudder at the thought and sigh deeply. Magnus looks over at me with concern but I just shake my head and smile. "He's just a bit of an odd guy." He nods and we continue walking in silence for a moment. 

"Today? How about today?" I raise a brow and look over at him. 

"Today," I state, knowing, like with most things he says, that Magnus isn't kidding. 

"Yeah, why not? We'll take one of my cars and go pick up your things." I smile and nod, just as eager as he is. When we arrive back at his place he walks into his room, gesturing for me to follow. Humming something random, he grabs a pair of jeans out of his closet and tosses them to me. "Should fit!" He calls and I chuckle as I change into them, noting the glitter they're dusted with and rolling my eyes. Magnus comes out and tosses me my own gray v-neck from the other night. It seems like my laundry just slowly became intertwined with his, not that either of us minded. The small domestic things like that came naturally to our relationship. We both change, more than comfortable in front of each other even after such a short time. I fold up my suit and set it on the chair near the bed before following Magnus back into the living room. He goes over to a key hanger on the wall and taps his bottom lip with his fingertip before picking up a set of keys. 

"Come on, let's go move you out." I smile and follow him outside and around the side of his house to where there's a garage door I never seemed to notice. He presses a button on the key fob and it opens up revealing several different vehicles. He presses another button and a shiny, fast looking silver car blinks it's lights. I raise my brows, impressed as he slides behind the wheel. Slowly, I get in and look at him as he fiddles with the radio. The soft purr of the car is so quiet it's barely noticeable. 

"What kind of car is this?" I ask him, running my fingertips across the smooth leather interior. 

"I think a Mercedes-Benz? I don't know, I liked how fast it went." I chuckle and lean over to press a soft kiss to his cheek. He's just so...Magnus. We arrive at my apartment and I slip out. 

"Wait here, okay? It'll literally take me like 15 minutes to pack up." He raises a brow and slips out. 

"No freaking way, Alexander, are you leaving me out here alone." I roll my eyes but know it's no use arguing. Instead, I let him follow me up the old staircase to my apartment. Full of embarrassment, I unlock the door and walk in. I'm greeted by the usual silence, the white walls suffocating and horribly plain now with Magnus here. He doesn't say a word and not a trace of judgment is in his eyes. He claps his hands together and smiles at me, not looking around us at all. 

"Well? Let's get started!" I relax and mentally thank him for this. He's really too good to me. I grab some boxes from the closet and hand one to him. 

"Uhm, bookshelf?" I question and he nods, getting to work. I pack up my bedroom, noticing just how little I own. We're done with everything in barely an hour, car all loaded up and ready to move me in with Magnus. I don't feel nervous like I should, just relieved, which tells me again how I've made the right choice in saying yes. On the way back I call my landlord. With a bit of grumbling, he tells me to just drop the keys off. I smile a bit when I hang up, feeling like it's all real now. I'll be living with Magnus Bane. 

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