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Alec POV

      The drab white walls of my apartment remind me just how much I miss Magnus and his colourful home. He told me I could start Monday, giving him time to deal with his other accountant. It's only Saturday and I haven't seen him since Wednesday after the minor bar fiasco. I can feel myself getting jittery, aching to do something, to get outside, so I do the second thing that comes to mind. The first thing, of course, is to call Magnus. We've exchanged some mildly flirtatious texts over the past few days since he's been too busy with work to meet up. The second thing that comes to mind is to call Jace. I know it's long overdue and that we have a lot to talk about. I know I need to see him and talk over our issues, or more specifically, his issues with me. I dial his number, drumming my fingers on the kitchen counter as I wait. 

"Hello?" His voice is achingly familiar, reminiscent of long nights lounging in each other's bedrooms, talking long into the night. 

"Hey, Jace. It's Alec."

      We meet up at a coffee shop that's too high end for my taste. The place is bustling, but still quiet enough to converse. Jace is wearing a tight fitting white button up, sleeves rolled up to the elbow since the sun is beaming down all around New York City. His deep black jeans are designer, a brand I used to be familiar with, and his light gray jacket is clearly more expensive than an entire months rent at my place. I pale in comparison to him in my boring black jeans that don't fit quite right and my black leather coat that covers my plain white t-shirt. I feel the familiar pang of invisibility settle into my chest. This new life I lead is poor, but in it, I never fade into the background. Even standing next to a sparkling Magnus in his shiny, colourful suits, glittery hair and outgoing attitude, I never feel forgotten. Jace exudes sheer pride and confidence as he pulls back his chair and slides into it and I get the feeling he thinks everyone feels honoured that he's here. Though not technically a Lightwood, he is more one than I'll ever be. 

We sit near a window, the sunlight dancing along his tan skin and golden hair. After we place our orders, Jace folds his hand on the table and turns to look at me. 

"Alec, I wanted to apologize for the way I acted over the past 2 years. It wasn't your fault, anything that happened, and our falling out is my fault." I want to reassure him, to play the part always have. Lightwood's are never to blame, and you could hardly stay angry at any of my siblings for long. This time, though, I bite my tongue and let him wallow a little. I feel I deserve to keep apologies hidden inside my cheek today. When I don't respond, he continues. 

"I should've been there for you instead of following in Maryse's footsteps. I didn't reach out like Izzy did, and I didn't stand up for you like you have for me all these years. I let her tell you you're worthless. Heavens, Alec, you aren't worthless by any means." I feel a swell in my chest at his words. It feels nice to know he doesn't hate me for who I am, even if I spent the past two years thinking so. 

"It's all forgiven. How's Max?" Jace glances at the waitress as she sets our coffees in front of us. I thank her softly before turning back to Jace. 

"He wonders about you, a lot. He's grown up a lot in the past two years, it's funny all the stuff he's gotten into. He's a good kid, studies a lot and reads some weird comics all the time, but mainly he's happy. Other than missing you like crazy. It drives Maryse mad." I curve my hand a little tighter around my steaming mug to hide my emotions. If there's anything I hate about this new life, it's the lack of Max. 

"When he laughs, it sounds just like you. It makes me and Izzy smile. It makes Robert a bit sad, I can see it in his eyes, and it makes Maryse furious." We both chuckle at that, taking a simple pleasure in her discomfort, it's the only way to handle it without being upset or angry. Despite the familiar ache I feel around Jace, I deduce it to be a good idea to catch up. Magnus was right. It seems to be a pattern, him being right about all the things I can't figure out. I like it. Hell, maybe I even love it. 

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