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"Shadow clone fishing!" Naruto yells as he jumps off of the cliff and into the water below while Sasuke waits on the shore to stab the fish that jump up. I sat a bit farther away, thinking to myself about anything and everything. After they'd finished catching enough fish, Sasuke and Naruto came over. Sasuke lit the fire while Naruto stabbed sticks through the fish, then placed them against the fire. A long silence stayed between the three of us, but Sasuke and Naruto obviously were having a silent conversation, as they continued to glance back and forth between each other.

"Hey, uh, (Y/n). Sasuke and I, we were just wondering if-if you were okay, you know?" Naruto speaks up. I jump slightly at the sound of his voice, for the silence had been so thick, I wasn't expecting someone to break it. What he said finally registered in my mind and my gaze turned into a glare. I didn't answer him.

"You know, it's already been four days since the test started, and we don't even have our other scroll." Sasuke says as he takes a bite out of the now cooked fish. I cross my arms and look off into the distance as Naruto huffs and takes a bite of his own fish.

"We have to face it, there may not be any more heaven scrolls left." Naruto grumbles as he shoves his food down. My fists ball up and I grit my teeth.

"Shut up." I growl at them. Sasuke and Naruto go tense and stop eating their food to stare at me.

"What?" Naruto asks breathlessly, mouth agape. I turn my head to the two with a heavy glare on my face.

"I said, shut. Up. I will pass this test, and I will become a chunin. Do you understand me?" I growled. Their eyes widen and they nod their heads quickly before turning back to their food.

"Maybe there's a secret code inside that could help us!" Naruto yells after a long silence. He then picks the scroll up and thumbs at the front of it, starting to open it. I stiffen and snatch it from his hands.

"Open that and you die." I growl and shove the scroll into my weapons pouch. Suddenly, there was a quick rustle in the bushes, so I jump up in front of Sasuke and Naruto to protect them from danger, but Kabuto simply strolls out.

"Miss sunshine over there is right. There are others who have tried to break the rules and peek at the scrolls, I've seen what happens to them. They're protected by a powerful hypnosis jutsu, it'll knock you unconscious, and by the time you wake up, the exam would be over." Kabuto explains. I glare at him throughout his entire speech. Man I hated this guy.

"Tell me something I don't know. Why are you here, wandering around by yourself?" I ask as my grip on my kunai tightens. He holds his hands up in surrender and takes a step back.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to take your earth scroll, I've already got my pair." Kabuto says as he reaches in his pouch and pulls out a heaven and an earth scroll. I grit my teeth as Naruto and Sasuke gasp.

"I'll fight you for that heaven scroll." I say as I twirl my kunai around once, then back into an attacking position.

"No, (Y/n), you're in no condition to fight with-" Sasuke begins, but I sling my arm back while still facing forward, pointing my kunai at him.

"Shut up Sasuke." I say monotonously. He quickly closes his mouth and I bring my arm forward again.

"Are you serious?" Kabuto asks as he puts his hand on his hip. I crack my knuckles and take a step forward, ready to attack.

"Deadly." I growl. Kabuto chuckles, which makes my skin crawl with disgust.

"You know, I admire your will to win, but I won't fight you. Instead, I'll show you the path you should take and help you get one instead." Kabuto says. I get out of my fighting stance and look at him with a blank face. Sasuke and Naruto cheer and start walking off with Kabuto as I follow behind cautiously. We begin jumping through the trees, Kabuto leading us.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now