Burn in Water, Drown in Fire ~20~ Secrets

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~20~ Secrets

(Zac’s POV)

“Seriously?” I asked when I found two police cars when I arrived home. I looked to see one of them with Luke in the backseat.

“Now how about this,” Chief Rivers started. “He goes to jail if you don’t ‘fess up.”

I rolled my eyes and glanced to Luke. Great.


Now they knew about me. Both chiefs knew about me extra abilities and I had every clue that they’d use it for the worst. The only thing they didn’t know was how I got this way and my weakness. I just told them that I thought it was some deformity in my genes.

Instead of making my body into a biology mocked lab quest, they…rewarded me. The girl, Lacy, whom I saved was there at the event when I was congratulated for saving more than one life at the fire. Lacy stayed with me. She was like a leech, completely in love with me.

But you know who wasn’t? Lulu. She had finally given up on me, only enhancing Angel’s distance with me. But what could I do? I had to give up on her, no matter how strong my feels were for her. Now that someone knew about my powers, there’s a possibility that they’ll try to find a weakness, I mean, come on. Chief Rivers is gonna want to control me eventually. And I can’t put Angel in that kind of danger.

“You may actually be stupider than my brother,” Brian’s voice said to me in school.

“It’s taken you this long to realize that?” I sighed as I still continued to walk. He grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“I swear if you told anyone about—”

“I already know that you and Joey are too selfish to want to tell anybody—”

“I’m not selfish because of that,” he hissed. “It’s just that I don’t want to turn into a lab rat.”

“Hey, Zac,” Lacy’s voice greeted as she grabbed my hand.

“I don’t think that you do either,” he added before walking off, but then he stopped at my shoulder. “Or worse, Angel finds out.”

I watched him leave, getting furious. I started to walk off without Lacy.

“Wait. Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m going…” I started to say, but then couldn’t. “Just go to my next class and tell my teacher that Chief Rivers called me to do something, alright?”

“Um alright, but—”

I started walking, running…until I ran right into the person that started this mess. He looked into my eyes.

“What’s up?” he asked, frantically out of care. I looked over to the girl standing next to him.

“Nothing,” I hissed in lie. Then she grabbed my arm.

“Tell me,” she pleaded as if she even cared. I scoffed.

“Not a chance,” I told her. Her lips slightly parted as if she wasn’t used to this hatred.

“Call me,” Devin called after me when I stormed away. There was no way in h3ll that I’d do that either.


I played with my lighter, flicking it on and off, not using the trigger. Why? Because there was nothing better to do. I was slipping into a regretful position, but knew otherwise.

Please, Zac, just talk to me…” the sound of Angel’s voice, in the voicemail she left me, lingered in my mind. Why do you even care…?

Because I think I fell for her.

I looked to my window and then saw vines start to crawl out from the edges of the pane. I threw a ball of fire at the vines and watched it snake down. Soon enough, I heard someone fall to the ground. I walked over and saw Brian on the ground.

“What do you want?” I hissed down to him.

“You’re not Juliet or Rapunzel. Just come down,” Brian hissed as he stood up, coiling the plants back into the ground.

“Sorry. Can’t. I’m grounded,” I notified.

“By who?” he asked.

“Vanessa,” I answered. Apparently it’s “not good” to skip school…and get caught. “And plus, Lacy’s coming over, so might as well not even bother.”

What was he doing here anyways? Did he hate me or something?

“Well then let’s get through this before she gets here,” he said. What?

“I’m grounded—”

“Like that’s stopped you before,” he interrupted. Hmm. And here I thought that Brian Hart was innocent all these years.

“Where are we even going?” I asked.

“You think we should tell Angel, so then let’s do that,” he said. The fact that he brought that interested me enough to lock my door and climb out my window.

“I thought you didn’t want anyone to know. You know, cuz you’re selfish and all,” I recalled. He gave me a look and I smirked at the nerve I struck to him.

“I’m willing to tell Angel,” he sighed. I gave him a doubtful look. “And plus, then we can spill Joey’s little secret in the process.”

“This isn’t about being truthful to her, then, it’s just your seeming vengeance for him taking her away from you,” I narrowed my eyes. He nodded.

“It’s so soon, you know? How could I pass up revenge?” he asked.

“This doesn’t make you and me friends, or on the same team,” I stated.

“Of course not,” he agreed. “Cuz you’re still the b4stard I’ve hated since middle school.”

With that, he patted my shoulder and started to walk to his car. Wow. I think Luke and I were rubbing off on Brian now that Angel wasn’t there to restrict his relations with us…I can’t tell if that’s a good thing or bad thing yet.

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