When He Loves You

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A man is always on a search;

He does not know what he's looking for.

So when you find him, keep him,

And his heart is yours forever.

He may know where he's going,

He may know what he wants,

But deep inside he wants a meaning,

And that meaning is you.

He thinks he has the answers to most of life's problems,

But his heart is a problem only you can solve.

So help him, guide him to be a better man,

Show him that life isn't all about solving problems.

Teach him to slow down and love life.

Teach him there's always hope waiting for him.

Teach him to never give up when it all seems lost,

And you may teach him that it's alright being human.

He doesn't call to the world for that love he needs,

Because it's hidden in his core, his cold wooden door.

So use that key and unlock it from within;

Open it so you can bask in the warmth of his love.

When he loves you he loves every single thing about you.

Your flaws and imperfections hold no gravity in his eyes.

So tell him you love him, show him how much he means to you,

'Cause if he senses otherwise, he'll be a ghost in your memory.

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