My Christmas

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It'll be Christmas soon

And everyone has something to celebrate.

People are coming home from near and far,

And there will be joyous nights aplenty.

Plenty of gifts, plenty of laughter,

And lots of love all around.

From kids eagerly awaiting

Whatever will be inside their stockings

To the gingerbread Santa

Descending chimneys for the milk and cookies.

And of course, the celebratory couples,

About the split the nights' egg nog.

Who can forget the extended families,

Crisscrossing oceans and borders,

Spending for meals and gifts

To share to their loved ones?

Outside, the tree hawkers are merry indeed

With all the profits off their pines.

As well as the Salvation Army sergeants,

Hosting musicals and chorales for charity.

Everyone can feel the spirit of the holidays,

No matter what culture or religion.

The bankers, oh they will rejoice tonight,

For they'll get a wonderful reward

With their accounts and bellies a-bursting.

This is such a beautiful time indeed,

And everyone is merry except me.

Such is the mystery that confounds me,

That not even the gifts and the season can lift me.

Perhaps, this is not the season to share

When none of what I have can be shared so easily.

I have nothing worthy of want,

Since I have all I could ever ask.

But still, I do have one thing to yearn.

Small and simple it is,

For me it is worth the earth as a whole.

I look to the other end of the table,

And wish to the stars above it may be you.

It may explain why all the gifts I received are rather cheap,

Since you're not here to chase my holiday blues away.

I know you're out there,

And you're celebrating this in your own way,

But could you be the one thing

I couldn't ask Santa for?

Whereas people may wish for spicy noodles,

Or some other materialistic largesse,

All I hope for my Christmas

Is company to spend this with.

This Christmas is all white,

Plain, boring, and singular.

And you bring forth the red,

With your passion, energy, and plurality.

If I can be a kid once more

And sit on the lap of that jolly old man,

I'd wish for you, right on the Christmas tree,

Smiling and with some milk and cookies on your hands.

That would be it, nothing more.

And when the day comes,

I hope I'm no longer alone under the mistletoe.

This is dedicated to that person who, sadly, can't be here right now. I'm thinking of you right now. And if you're around I'm also dedicating this song to you.

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