The Business Trip

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Date: 3-16-17

Chapter 52: The Business Trip

"So do you know what we are?" Vanessa asks Adrian in excitement.

"How would I? I don't even know you." Adrian says to deflect the question. Adrian always hates revealing information if it doesn't help him in some way.

"We told you about our abilities. Shouldn't that be enough?" Selynn asks a bit skeptically.

"Sure." Adrian sees the annoyance written on Ivie's face. Which means that if he helps her friends, she'll be grateful. Hmmm. Ivie may even think Adrian redeemable qualities. Which he does.

Adrian turns to Vanessa first. "Well, it's not natural for anyone to be able to hold their breath for that long..."

"So I'd say you're some type of water elemental. Have you ever noticed anything weird while swimming? Like scales or a tail?" Adrian asks quite seriously.

Vanessa looks at Adrian like he's insane. "No. I remain normal underwater."

"Just asking. So I also sense magic coming from you." Adrian says. He opens his mouth to continue, but Ivie stops him.

"So she's a Spellcaster?" Ivie questions Adrian, thinking she has it all figured out.

"No. She's a witch. There's a difference." Adrian says in a polite way, which is uncharacteristic of him. Adrian is usually never this patient with people. Not even with Monique.

"What's the difference?" Vanessa asks curiously.

"Spellcasters almost always have to say a spell to use magic. Spellcasters can make up their own spells on the spot, as long as they're powerful enough and very careful. But witches have spellbooks and can't just make up stuff." Adrian explains to Vanessa.

"How does all of that have anything to do with water?" Vanessa questions, narrowing her eyes. Adrian takes a deep breath to keep from snapping at her.

"You could've accidentally cast a spell on yourself when you were younger, if you found a spellbook in your house. Or maybe someone in your bloodline had water elemental blood." Adrian says.

"If Vanessa's a witch, does that mean I am? And our parents?" Selynn asks thoughtfully.

"No. You are a witch too, I can tell. But your parents might not be. You're not adopted, right?" Adrian questions.

Vanessa and Selynn both shake their heads no.

"Only one of your parents has to be a witch for you to be witches. Of course if it's your dad, he'd be called a warlock. But that's not the point." Adrian says hurriedly, realizing that wasn't exactly relevant to what they wanted to know.

"Why don't you ask your parents this stuff?" Adrian asks, letting frustration leak into his voice as he rubs his forehead. These two are giving him a headache.

"Because we don't know if they know." Vanessa says while railing her perfect wavy blond hair nervously. Adrian can tell these girls are pretty well off in life with their perfect hair, big house, and nice clothes.

Selynn has her blond hair in a neat ponytail and she's wearing dark blue jeans, a plain black shirt, and one of those nice grey pullover things that are long and look like they're made from wool.

Vanessa is wearing a blue skirt that goes to right above her knees, a tan knitted top, and a blue scarf with an odd but interesting pattern.

Adrian wonders why she would need a scarf on inside, in the summertime. Is fashion really that important to Vanessa? Adrian guesses so.

"Then ask them." Adrian replies, getting himself back on track.

"Maybe later." Selynn mumbles. Adrian senses something off about Selynn, but he can't put his finger on it. She's different from Vanessa supernaturally, but they both feel like witches to Adrian. Hmmm. He'll have to think about that later.

"This is why we're asking you." Vanessa points out. Ugh, she has a good point.

"Okay. What else do you want to ask?" Adrian asks with an eye roll. Oops. Adrian forgot he was supposed to be "behaving better" than usual.

Thankfully, Vanessa and Selynn ignore the eye roll. Adrian chances a glance at Ivie, but she's staring off indifferently. Double ugh. Why doesn't she notice this good deed he's doing?

"Can you help us with using our magic?" Vanessa asks excitedly. Ivie looks over to Adrian at that moment. Of course, the moment that Adrian will disappoint is the moment she looks at him.

Adrian sighs to show he's dad that he has to say this. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I would try because I know about magic, even though I have none, but I'm leaving for a business trip early tomorrow morning."

"Besuiness trip?" Ivie exclaims in surprise. This is news to her, since Adrian didn't tell anyone. Not even Monique.

"Yeah. It just came up. I have a real job you know." Adrian teases, causing Ivie to look away in annoyance. But Adrian sees her mouth curve up in a slight smile and knows she's amused by his joke.


After a few more minutes of talking, Adrian announces that he has to go home amd prepare for his trip.

Ivie offers to walk Adrian downstairs to the door so that she can talk to him alone.

Ivie grabs Adrian's arm to stop him when they get to the bottom of the stairs, returning the favor from when he did the same earlier. Except Ivie did it less violently.

"What's that business trip about?" Ivie asks, hoping to get some answers. Adrian makes something up that sounds vague, hoping Ivie doesn't get real answers. This trip is supposed to be secret. Mostly.

"Well, I'm supposed to be tracking and capturing this werewolf, but I haven't been exactly doing that lately." Adrian says with a shrug. Adrian knows this'll make Ivie feel bad, but he decided to tell the truth. Mostly.

"You mean you are in trouble for helping me?" Ivie's eyes widen in horror, feeling ashamed for possibly getting Adrian fired from his job.

"Not in trouble. I just have to catch up on my work by getting this guy." Adrian tries explaining, but Ivie still feels awful.

Adrian grabs Ivie's upper arms gently, gazing down at her adoringly. No one worries about Adrian besides Monique. Now Ivie feels bad for him.

"It was my choice, Ivie. And I don't regret it. I got to meet the real you." Adrian doesn't even smirk as he spills his heart out in front of Ivie.

"How do you know this is the real me?" Ivie whispers just loud enough to be heard.

"I just do." Adrian responds before pressing his lips briefly against hers.

Ivie's eyes are bright, but not green, when Adrian pulls away. She opens her mouth to say something, probably something negative, as her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"That was a goodbye. But don't worry, I'll see you soon." Adrian interrupts Ivie. Then his smirk is back, lighting up his whole face and making his pale skin have a little more color.

Adrian lets himself out of the house, leaving Ivie more confused than ever.

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