Unsettling Reactions

142 14 12

Date: 3-21-17

If you couldn't see the full picture up top, it says:

"I'm secretly a vampire."

See why it's perfect for this chapter? Because Adrian said he's revealing what he is!


Chapter 60: Unsettling Reactions

Lucas can't even correctly comprehend at this moment what Adrian just said.

"My blood heals because I'm not an Alpha. I'm not even a werewolf."

Those were Adrian's exact words. Lucas remembers them because they won't stop echoing in his head.

"You're not a werewolf?" Lucas repeats slowly with a blank expression that Adrian can't read.

"No. I just went along with it because you and Mason suggested it." Adrian says, carefully making sure that he didn't leave out Mason this time.

Lucas clenches his fists so tightly that his knuckles turn white. Lucas lowers his head and stares at the ground for a full minute to process this.

Adrian is fast, supernaturally fast. And strong. His eyes glow red and he has fangs. His blood apparently heals people. It's all unsettling to Lucas.

Lucas looks back on the time when Jerica was in her faze of obsessing over the supernatural, and she tried to teach Lucas.

Realization hits Lucas quickly, and Lucas hopes he doesn't sound as stupid as he feels when he speaks up.

"So you're a vampire." Lucas states calmly, staring right into Adrian's eyes as if he isn't unsure at all.

"You're quick to pick up on things." Adrian responds with a small smile.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Lucas asks directly, glaring at Adrian with hatred.

Lucas is like the ocean right now, switching back and forth between the pretense of a gentle tide and a tsunami.

"Yes, I am a vampire." Adrian says firmly.

Lucas needed to hear a direct answer this time because he suddenly realized that he never heard Adrian say, not even once, that he was a werewolf. Lucas couldn't believe he had fallen for it.

All of those times when he backed down from a fight because he knew Adrian would beat him because he's an Alpha. Bull crap!

All of those times Adrian talked about werewolves or gave advice. All of it was faked!

"So how do you know so much about werewolves?" Lucas finally asks Adrian.

"I made it my business to know about other supernaturals awhile after I became one." Adrian answers truthfully.

"Oh?" Is all Lucas says in reply. He's back to the pretense of a gentle tide, on the verge of becoming a gigantic tsunami.

Lucas feels like this is the last straw. Lucas' nerves have been pulled taught ever since he watched Mason fall to the ground in a bloody mess.

"And I hunt rogue supernaturals. Most rogues are vampires or werewolves, so I have to know about both species." Adrian explains quietly.

And Lucas knows that Adrian certainly knows about werewolves, since he pretended to be one. As you can tell, Lucas is still seething about that.

Lucas goes back through his memories to replay conversations with Adrian.

The time when Lucas asked where Adrian's pack was. Adrian avoided the question, saying he didn't need a pack.

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