Chapter five

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"Some people want it all, but I don't want nothing at all. If it ain't you baby. If I ain't got you baby. Some people want diamond rings. Some just want everything. But everything means nothing, if I ain't got you, yeah."

Nuna and I sang along to If I Ain't Got You by Zoe Baker. I turned down the volume a bit.

"I freaking love this song!" I said excitedly.

"Right? I can't believe this girl's not famous."

"I know, she doesn't want to be though." I had been browsing YouTube when I found this gorgeous red head, Zoe Baker, singing this song. I loved it so much that I got in contact with her and asked if she could send me a cd with her song on it. She was cool about it and I got it in the mail the next day. "It's so cute. She wrote it for her and her boyfriend's one month. Adorable right?"

"Aww that's sweet. You should do that for Hayden when it's your one month!" She giggled.

"Yeah right. First we would have to date. Second I'd have to have a good voice." She waved her hand off at me.

"Psshh. One, you guys have gone through a lot of progress since the beginning of the year, and you know, the dreams. You talk at least every day and he came to your game AND bought you victory ice-cream. Two, you're both in choir."

"One, he bought ALL of US ice-cream. And, two. So?" I turned my blinker on signaling my exit off the freeway.

"One, he only offered to pay when he saw YOU get YOUR money out. Two, you had to try out for choir right?" I nodded, "You made it into choir right?" I nodded again sighing. "Therefore you have a good voice. You know Mrs. A wouldn't let horrible singers in. She'd put them in choristers. Duh."

We came to a stop and I looked at her waiting for the stop light to turn green. I loved this girl. How could I ever survive without her? She gave me and encouraging smile. I returned the gesture and looked at the road.

"How could I ever live without you? You're the best."

"Well, ya know, I try." She shrugged her shoulders playfully imitating me.

I turned the volume back up and went back to the song, If I Ain't Got You. We played the song singing along to it until I parked the car.

I was so excited; finally we were hanging off of school grounds. All thanks to Nuna and Ryan. Ryan's heartbreak finally gave us the chance to finally do what Nuna and I have wanted to do since freshman year.

We went to the food court and ordered some smoothies. Sitting down at a table we started talking.

"It's so busy; I hope they're able to find us." I laughed,

"Hun, it's Saturday afternoon, of course it's busy. Anyways, all they have to do is look for your massively curly hair." I teased her and she rolled her eyes. I took a sip of my mixed berry smoothie.

"Excuse me," A very handsome boy came up to us, "May I sit here?" Nuna gave him a megawatt smile and patted the extra chair. He sat and turned to me.

"Hi." Was all I said. Who was this boy? He was fearless coming up to some randomn girls in the mall. But I guess its not that difficult for boys.

"Hi," He smiled a toothy grin. Chestnut hair, brown eyes, and a fine, fine body. Basketball player was what instantly came to mind. And his basketball shoes may have helped. "My name's Nate." He extended his hand  and I shook it.

"Alaina." I said sweetly.

"Well Alaina, I'm here to ask if you find my friend over there," He pointed to the pizza stand area and I instantly knew who he meant. He was trying to look away but wasn't doing very good. Plus he was wearing the exact same shoes. He was absolutely good looking and adorable. Blonde hair and blue eyed. "mind you he's my best friend, attractive at all? But he was too shy to come ask for your number. I keep telling him to grow some balls, but whaddya gonna do but help out your best friend?" He shrugged his shoulders.

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