Chapter 22 - Matt's Story

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Matt had shifted his composure by the time that he'd walked down the stairs. Although she now knew who and what he was, it still didn't mean that she could come near him. It only gave her the reason to avoid him. He was a dangerous creature and she didn't need to be dealing with that kind of hassle on a daily basis.

He didn't know how she was going to respond to him now, though. What can you say to someone when you'd just seen them transform in front of your eyes from a beast to a human? It wasn't as if it was a normal situation, Matt chuckled humorlessly to himself as he placed himself on the sofa, the towel still firmly wrapped around his legs. It wasn't as if she had anything to compare the situation to. What kind of reaction was she possibly supposed to do in this situation?

Though it would have been easier if he'd put some jeans on, he didn't want to lose sight of Kristen. After that ordeal, he wondered why she hadn't ran away yet. He wasn't sure whether he wanted her to be terrified of him or not. Being terrified was probably the easiest option, but it wasn't necessarily the best option. Now that she knew, he hoped that she would understand his actions better when he pushed her away.

Kristen slowly joined him on the sofa, but her legs pressed against his knees gently as she turned to look at him, still studying him like an exhibition at a zoo. He couldn't understand how she could be so calm about the matter. Most normal people would question their sanity and whether they were just dreaming about the whole situation. Some would refuse to believe it.

Kristen just accepted it as if he'd just told her that he had an extra toe. It was most peculiar.

 Matt sighed as the silence continued between them, though it wasn't as uncomfortable as he would have thought. She was watching him but she looked mostly curious, studying his face as if for the first time. He could feel his face warming at her scrutiny.

 He coughed. "So...what do you want to know?" He asked at last, watching as her eyes focussed on his lips when his jaw moved. He saw them travel up to his eyes and a small smile hid behind her mouth.

 "How long have you been this way?" She asked as she leaned slightly into the sofa, watching quietly.

 Matt breathed out, reached for the tv remote and turned the tv on the lowest volume so there was some noise in the background in case things went silent, which he doubted. He turned back to her and scanned her face with his eyes before he answered. "I turned a year ago."

 "Was this when you lost your family?" She whispered and Matt froze slightly.

 He scrunched his eyes up before replying. "Yes."

 He saw her nod in understanding and her hand patted his bare knee lightly to encourage him to continue.

 Matt swallowed.

"I'd been having a bad day in college. My teachers had been grilling me about everything to do with work and attendance and everything else. I was already in a bad mood and I couldn't understand why. I just wanted to be left alone and, for some reason, everyone wanted to annoy me in some way.

"I sat on my own most of the day. It wasn't what I usually did but I felt so bad that I couldn't stand to be around people. I had a headache and the noise of the canteen wasn't doing me any favours. It felt as if people were screaming in my ears. I felt hot and swollen all over my body and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

"I'd never had that feeling before. I thought I was just sick. I forced myself to stay in college until the end of the day and then quickly rushed home just so that I could go to bed and try and sleep it off. I'd been feeling a bit funny all week but that day was definitely the worst. I was planning to make a doctors appointment in the next few days if it hadn't sorted itself out by then.

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