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I see pieces of you

I see them float

I smell them as strangers pass

They blanket everything

I look in mirrors

I see you

It torments me repeatedly

I want freedom

I want peace

I want selfishness

I want no more tears

I want no more pain

I want no more hate

I live in bitterness

I live a half-life

I see you everywhere

I throw glasses at nothing

They shatter against walls

I watch as the pieces cry in pain

I see tears rundown each shard

I know you aren't there

I know you left long ago

I still feel the stabs of each tear you lost

They rain down on me

Mom do you remember the rain

We would hop from puddles dancing

You would always sing

We would fall onto wet earth

We would look above as tears rained down

Rain is always alive as it falls

It washes wounded souls

It cries our pain

It renews the thirsty

It ushers in the calm

It always brings you back

If only for a blink

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