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  • Dedicated to The Nameless

I smell flames upon the


The sky alight with wicked


Ashes swirl among the winds

A home now dead

Broken down cars line the


Life turns in strange ways

All you ever had gone

You walk slowly away

Carrying a dead soul

People reach for you

Wanting reassurance

You smack them harshly

You have become sick

Darkness lies ahead sweetly

His lovely arms enfold thee 

Swept away into his comfort

Waves crash hitting cliffs

Seagulls sing joyous melodies

Salty air runs quickly

Boats sail away

Lighthouses take breath

The horns sound off

As the sky turns pink

You are here once again

Sand covering each foot

Laughter accompanies you

My memories dance in

I now stand alone

You are not there

Wind whips my hair

Tears never stop coming

Are they for you

Are they for me

They flood my chest

The pain unbearable

Why can't it be washed away

Why does it still live

Will you take my hand

Will you forgive me

I broke every promise

I still think of you

I'm sorry

You asked me to move on

I just can't

I never will

Grief holds me prisoner

Agony screams on forever

You will never be washed away

All I can do is cry

*Forgive me for staying in the past.....

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