
508 19 12
  • Dedicated to The One I Once Loved/I'm sorry

Life has never been simple

It has been a fight

There were never good old days

Memories assault

I can't handle the hits

I look at knifes

What a relief they bring

I throw them across the room

I won't go back

It is so tempting

seeing them stuck in a wall

They easily cut flesh

Can't go back

If I go back

it's over

I'm weary of the fight

It's not really worth it

All I get is




I guess nothing

Is what I deserve


I saw you today

It made me cry

It made me sick

You always breakdown

Tears fall upon the ground

I walk past

I can't speak

If I do

I'll remember when

When you made me laugh

The first baby you had

How I adored her

Now she is grown

You try grabbing my hand

I pull away

I'm sorry

I can't handle the pain

Just forget me

I'll try forgetting you

Move on

I'm nothing

That's what

I am

I'm sorry

Please let it go

Don't cry

it hurts

It hurts too much

I'm sorry

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