The Letter

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There once was a letter

Hidden between pages

It sat lonely

Hoping for freedom

Days went by

Years passed

Not a soul came across it

One day anger ruled

Notebooks flew against a wall

Pages were gathered

A lighter flickered

The letter almost lost

It held many secrets

Secrets best burned

I slowly read the words

They flowed through me

I love you always

I never spoke the words

I only knew how to show it

You watched me walk by

Never did I huge you

I was afraid

Afraid you would refuse me

You were my friend

I took on everything

We screamed fiercely

The day you took him back

I hated you with a passion

I hated you with bitter sadness

He didn't deserve forgiveness

He hated me

The things he said

He still blames me

For the death

It's in his eyes

He watches me

As words hit me

His favorite game

How long before tears

How long before anger

How long before hatred

He smilies at me

Cruelty his middle name

Why couldn't you hate him

He broke hearts never caring

This letter will burn

You don't need the heartache

I love you

I hope you know it

Are the clouds fluffy

Does the rain still smell of earth

One day you will tell me

The letter flies

It catches the flame

You are free

Burn with freedom

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