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I have stood in a circle

Turning continually

Life has passed me

In the circle

I always remain

It is safe

My fear of leaving deadly

Knowing the demons that haunt

Give me the oxygen to survive

They also crack my shields

I turn in the circle

There you are again

Laughing easily

We are not allowed to go back

If I could

I would save you

I promise

This time I would save you

I wouldn't allow the stubbornness

As I read these words

I see my selfishness

You made choices

I know you would again

Letting you go

Is impossible

I stand here in a circle

I feel timeless

Everything changes

While I stay weeping

There are a few

Who aren't meant to shine

I am a timeless star

My light burnt out

I exist in a circle

Always turning

Always timeless

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