You Win

498 20 14

It's me again

The worthless one

I heard my name whispered

You play with my mind

I know you are there

Hiding in the shadows

Whispering my name

I feel you watching

Do you enjoy the show

I felt a breath upon my neck

Are you watching me chain smoke

How do you love me now

Covered in tattoos

Smoking into the heavens

"Kiss my ass",you once said

I think I'll pass

What happen to me

I don't know anymore

I just silently cry

Wish for sleep

You are always calling me

It's all I hear

Leave me alone

You win this round

You drove me crazy

You push me towards death

I'm sick of losing

Death my only puzzle piece

You win

You win

You win

Worthless is done

She is gone

Gone forever

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