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I have hated you

Hated you forever

I'm afraid

You will be my only family

I will never love you

Every time you speak

I see red

I refuse you

Those apologies

Fall on death ears

They all say forgiveness

Like it is the only answer

I will burn

Burn in hell

For not forgiving you

I will happily take that fate

When left with you

Life for me will extinguish

I now find no point

When you go

The end will be written

I shall have nothing left

My friends

Always say I have them

They are near

Our lives go down different paths

Their futures are abundant

Mine is black

Light fled years ago

They know nothing

I gave up

That's what I do

It is the worst untruth

I fight until the bitter end

This time is different

I have lost my hate

My angry rage

Now there is a deep sadness

How it consumes

It grows with each tear

Dragging yourself along harder

The fake smile evaporates

That hidden you

Not so hidden

Five people scream their love

It falls from each crack

Sometimes It's not enough

The broken roads shattered

You have ran out of asfalt

We all have an end

It takes us young

At times very old

The first breath

For many in the womb

I will stand back

I will say everything is peachy

You won't ever know the truth

Even if you do

You will tell yourself

She is strong

She will win

She will always be fine

I was fine

When I had my hate

I do truly miss it

It gave me a meaning

Helped me keep walking

Now I will sleep

I hope never to wake

With my luck

Waking will punch me

How I hate waking

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