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I can't handle you

You kill me

Every word you speak a knife

You don't understand

It hurts my heart

All I hold for you is anger

It blooms within me

Once upon a time

You followed me like the scent of lilies

It was just the two of us

The world forgotten as you giggled

You slept under my bed like a monster

You couldn't be without me

I once loved you

That love has sailed away

I hate you now

Being with you is a nightmare

I just wish upon a star

Hoping one day

I will disappear

Never to shed another tear

I have lost so many

I deserve freedom

I deserve a day without yelling

Without the anger

Without the chain smoking

Without the hatred

I have forgotten how to be me

I lost her along the way

I was robbed

I don't know how to find her

She is lost in the darkness

I'll never stop seeking her

I know she is out there

Waiting for me

Someday we will find each other




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