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The grip has failed

I fall silently

Within my tower

I hide breathlessly

The storm has come

My waters hunger

The lightning sings

The thunder roars

Here I stand

Blade at the ready

My last stronghold

Will not fall

I slip from view

There you are before me

Our hands connect

You grace me with a smile

I have missed you

There you go again

Laughing joyfully

That giggle lights the sky

Stay with me

I hate the loneliness

I love you

I never told you

Lets be us again

Playing baseball in the fields

Lighting fireworks until dawn

Dancing under the moon

Lets be us again

You fade as my tower falls

I must swim for shore

Defeat has found me

He has won

Only half of me

I will find forgiveness

It will light my path

One day mom

One day I will shall shine

Shine as bright as the sun

You will fade

Fade into the heavens

Peace will settle our souls

One day

One day mom

We shall shine

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