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I live a clouded life

My head full of fuzz

White noise whispers

The corridors haunted

I have lost

Their voices overwhelming

I have truly failed

How I fool myself

Walking down dark hallways

I sit watching my life

Tears come quickly

What a waste

I feel like a waste

My efforts become nothing

I am a shameful human

When I leave the earth

My ashes will be pissed upon

People never learn

They don't see love

If they do

It is twisted

Can you love

Will you let it flow

Or will it live among dark


I find love terrifying

It frightens my heart

I will never speak of my love

It is a storm of thunder

Now I shall hide

I have lost everything

Going on is overwhelming




Screams loudly

What is now

Just leave me alone

Now is a curse

I run

How I run

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