I Wish You Were Here

848 36 17
  • Dedicated to For you mom...May you live among the stars

I wish for you

I wish for each embrace

I wish you could wipe my tears away

I wish we had spoken before the end

I miss you

I miss you

I miss you

I miss singing out of tune songs

I miss seeing you smile

I miss each laugh

I miss being the one you loved

Where did we go wrong

Why did we allow the hate

Why did we allow the anger

Why did we allow the bitterness

I hope it has left you

I hope you dance among the stars

I hope light tickles you

I hope you are free

Free as the breeze

Free as the sighs of a house settling

I just have one wish

I just have one wish

I just have one wish

I wish you could hug me once more

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