The Book

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I read a book today

It reminded me of you

It reminded me of happier days

Hot Nebraska nights filled my mind

The air always thick with humidity

Fresh cut grass scenting the air

The dark cloudless skies

Full of happy bright souls

Perfume mixing with the buzz of bees

Fireflies sailing above

I look to the sky

As thunder touches my heart

There you are smiling

A light rain begins wetting the fields

I run into the wheat listening

Laughter fills the air

I stand and watch you spinning

You called my name

It touches me deeply

I just watch you spin

You stopped and grinned

Grabbing my hands we ran

The mud splashed upon our skin

I jumped in each puddle giggling

You watched me

You always watched me

You were the watcher

Never leaving

You watch me still

I know you are there

The rain now pours upon me

I feel you in each drop

Pushing smiles from me

When thunder booms

I hear you speak

The frustration of distance

One day we will run

Run with the fireflies

They will light our path

When the sun greets us

The willows will shade us from the mighty


Lilies will be our walkway

Dragonflies will dance with the breeze

We will laugh again

It will fill our souls

The darkness will flee

There will be an eternity of smiles

Watch for me in the rain

I'll always find you

•Me and my mother had a great love of rain....

•She always told me thunder was a new life finding a home...

•I always thought it was someone finding their true love..

•It hits you like a boom, boom,boom, boom, and it never leaves even if the soul passes.

•The hard shaking rumble will always be with you, you just have to listen for the rumble...

•You always meet the ones you lost or let go upon the horizon..

•The whispers will guide you as they dance with the willows..

→This was my mother's favorite song.

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