
536 19 11

My body is heavy

My shoulders breaking

The last of my heart falling

He filled her with lies

Just to kill me

Her hate deadly

I'm always the scapegoat

You killed her

You let her speak wickedly

The blame is upon me

What is the point

I try helping

I try saving

I try giving everything

It's never enough

Nothing I do worthy

You hate me no matter what

I'm tired of it

I'm tired of living guilty

I'm tried of living

You make life hard

What is the point

I will never do it right

I'm a screw up

Are you happy now

What is the point

You silently laugh

Knowing I can't kick you away

I will hold the sign




It shall read

At least that's what you call me

What's the point

This martyr is done

Done with it all

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