The Truth

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We all seek the truth

Walking down every path

Searching for that one answer

The one that torments our souls

It is an affliction

We wear it on our chests

Such weight makes breathing agony

I live a life holding accusation

My body shakes with it's festering gloom

At times I wish death would take me

We would dance under the moonlight

As my heart slowly dies

He would whisper my name

The bittersweetness would warm me

The cold aching would evaporate

Would I see you once again

I have missed you dearly

I miss the smiles

The looks you would give me

Speaking always seemed pointless

The eyes held our truth

Fractures ghost my soul

Repair has no hope

I become gloom

My hair holds darkness

My lips turn white

I wear a gown of black

Weeping my death

I have shamed

I have not given my all

My punishment is forever sealed

I will become a wraith

Forever paying for my crimes

Not saving you my guilt

The truth is I am ruination

Blame me I will carry it

You are undeserving of It's burden

Walk free

Breath easily

Smile one last time for me

Just be free

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