Chapter One

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[ rachel is played by danielle campbell ]

Rachel's P.O.V

Dear Michael,

It was just only yesterday that we were having the best night ever. It was your birthday and we went to that club downtown to celebrate. We invited our friends and we were having an amazing time dancing and singing terribly to our favourite songs. We were having the time of our lives.

I didn't want you to go for a walk with Kevin at that time of night but you just wouldn't take no for an answer. I even offered to come with you but you just wouldn't let me, saying that you had to talk to Kevin about something important. When you said that you would come back safe, I wanted to believe you, but something inside of me just told me that something was going to go wrong.

Downtown is a bad place to go for walks in the middle of the night and everyone knows that. I guess you were too drunk to realise the worry in my eyes when I told you that.

The time flew by and next thing I knew, I was sitting at the bar with Michelle, waiting the small television and downing shots. Then, that's when it happened. The news turned on and the reporter said something about a shooting just a few streets down from the club. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that the person that was shot would be you but when I saw a glimpse of your face, I wanted to break down.

But I didn't.

I ran out of the club, in heels might I add, and just ran. I had no idea where I was running to but all I knew was that I had to get to you as fast as I could... I just didn't know where you were. I was too busy sitting there in shock to even listen to the reporter speak.

I had to get to you.

But when I saw the ambulance speed past, going in the opposite direction, I knew I fucked up.

I thought you were gone...

- Rachel


A/N - This is the first chapter of this book and I hope you liked it. Just remember, the diary entries are going to end at the most confusing parts but it will make sense... I promise.

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