Chapter Fifteen

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Rachel's P.O.V

Dear Michael,

Oh my god, Quinn started on me again! She came back from suspension today and instead of leaving me alone like I thought she would do, she lost it at me because her parents had told her off for getting involved in the first place. Well, if she didn't bring up you, I wouldn't have punched her in the nose and she wouldn't have gotten her parents angry and ending up paying the medical bills.

Not my fault.

She had said that her dad had took away her credit card and her mom had grounded her from going outside because they had to pay a thousand dollars for the bill which is total bullshit. Unless she got a nose job, the bill wouldn't have costed that much.

I didn't hit her this time though because I thought of you. You hate me fighting. You hate me losing my temper at petty shit. So I did the one thing I didn't even know I was capable of doing...

I walked away.

I know, I know, you should be so proud of me. Maybe when she keeps going on and on about how much of a bad person I am, I will think of you and just walk away. Seriously, you don't even know how proud I am. I actually walked away!

I may be so happy and proud of myself but I wish you were actually there to see me to that. I can just imagine the look on your face and the words that you would say...

"Oh my damn, who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?"

Ugh, I would kill to hear that from you. Actually, scratch that. I would kill to see you up and talking. I just really need you to wake up.

Oh, before I forget, I saw Kevin at school today. He looked better from the last time I saw him but that didn't stop me from seeing the bags under his eyes. Seeing him like that, seeing him broken, I knew I had to do something.

So I apologized for being a bitch. And he accepted it.

I know he didn't do this to you, he wouldn't even hurt a fly! I just wish you were here today to see how your best friend is coping.

He needs you.

I need you.

We both need you.

- Rachel


A/N - For you all who don't remember who Quinn is, she is the girl from chapter seven :) Did you guys like the chapter?

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