Chapter Twenty

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Rachel's P.O.V

Dear Michael,

It's done. It's all done. I am so happy right now that I can just cry and scream... but I won't do that because I'm afraid that the nurse's will look at me weirdly.

Anyway, what I am talking about is the trial. You know, for Kelly's sentencing? Yeah, that trial. You want to know how many years she got?

Thirty five.

Five for the possession of a firearm, twenty for putting you in hospital - in a coma, may I add.

What's the other ten years for? Well, I'll tell you.

You know how Kevin said that he had something up his sleeve? Well, it was the most fucking amazing thing ever!

It was Kelly's confession.

Remember when I told you what was in Kevin's statement? The person ran away before Kevin could see who it was and thats when he saw the chain? Well, apparently Kevin knew that the chain belonged to Kelly all along and when he went to go and confront her about it, that's when Kelly threatened to kill him if he went to the cops.

And Kevin got it all on record.

What's even better is that when Kelly was getting questioned, she lied under oath. UNDER OATH! And when the judge heard Kevin's recording of Kelly's confession, that's when he sentenced her to thirty five years.

Thirty five FREAKING years!

When the officers took Kelly away from the court room, the judge asked to speak to Kevin and I. You know what he said?

He said he was extremely impressed with the both of us and he hopes that you wake up soon. For some reason, I couldn't help but think about you at that exact moment, wondering if you are awake.

And right now, I'm looking at you and-

I drop my diary on the hospital floor as I stare at you, my eyes wide. I stand to my feet and look over at Kevin who is sleeping in the chair. I reach over and shake his shoulders. "Kevin!"

Kevin jolts up, his eyes widening. "Huh, what?"

I point over at Michael, tears clear in my eyes. I watch as Kevin looks over at his best friend and he jumps up, a wide smile on his face.

I look over at Michael and thats when the tears fall.

"What did I miss?"


A/N - YAY HE WOKE UP! What do you guys think of the ending? I hope you enjoyed this short story as much as I loved writing it. So, for the last time...

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