Meeting Him- 2

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As I go down the school bus steps I hear, "May!Finally! Your bus takes like. For. Ever." Lilly says.

Laughing I say, " I know how do you think I feel, I can barely get all of my things for class." We enter the building and all the bodies gave me a refreshment. Well, not all, of them. Just some of them that were involved in the, what they call, "incident". Lilly is just blabbing on, while I'm trying to find the new kid.

"Right?" Lilly asked, making me snap out of my search.

"Yeah, totally." I reply, having absolutely no clue what she is taking about.

"I knew you would agree! So, let's go get our stuff. Meet in the bathroom by my locker in 5, kay?" I honestly have no choice .

"Kay." I say as checking my phone, it's about 15 minutes until the first bell. So it's not like we would be late. As I keep heading the same direction Lilly turns down the hallway. Suddenly, someone comes up to me. An unrecognized face.

"Uh, hi. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I need help." The "person" said.

"It's fine, whatcha need?" I say with a smile.

He returns the gesture and says, " Um, ha. Well I can't find my locker actually."

"That's okay, what number?" I asked.


"Well, in your case, be glad. Because it is right next to mine." I laughed.

"Awesome."I showed him around to his classes and such, and told him it's okay to be new, you can't let things down. When we arrived at his first period,I told him I'd meet him there after class, and he simply went in. Walking into the door of my class the cold air hit my face as if I was in a blizzard. My whole body shivered. I then see Lilly with a mad and sort of    curious look on her face. And then I remember that she wanted to meet her in the bathroom. I look up at her and mouth "Sorry". She just rolls her eyes.

-time skip-      lunch

"So you met him??!!" Lilly asked me in total jealousy.

"I'm not the only one. I told him he could sit with us at lunch, come on here he comes."

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