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i grabbed the remote and turned on adult swim. 

i fall down onto my bed and put my head up just enough so i can see the tv, i'm exhausted. 


justin 🙁🌊💞 : hey

me : hi.

justin 🙁🌊💞 : wyd ?

me : watching tv, hbu

justin 🙁🌊💞 : musical.ly 

me : seem to be popular on the app, ya think ?

justin 🙁🌊💞 : hahah yeeahhhhh i love them tho so 😌

Read at 7:45 pm.

15 minutes later 


justin 🙁🌊💞 : babyyyyyyyy answerrrr 😩

me : ?? wrong number ??

wtf? did he seriously just call me baby ? uhh... 

a/n : hey guys kinda sorta short cliff hanger. a lot of crap has happened and i couldn't post so i finally had time (i'm on a laptop so) but yeah love ya guys, ✌🏼

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