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j u s t i n

—5th period; 12:38 pm.

not gonna lie, i'm still pissed of about earlier. like that's my girl. after all the times he tried stuff with her and now she wants to give in? for what? to make me jealous? 

i couldn't get my finger around what she meant when she's said she's second for me. she's first, and she always knows that. i would never pick anyone before her. she fucking knows damn well that's true.

yes.. i know i was making out with sierra, but like. she ignored my call. didn't talk to me for a week straight. ever since she came back from the mall she's been nothing but a bitch. she acts different; not a good different. 

she never shows emotion anymore, she acts she couldn't give a care in the world. it's starting to worry me, to be honest. my girlfriend is changing into a rebellious teenager. i have no clue what the future holds for her. hell she could end up in jail with the path she's taking. 

everyone always says change is for the better; but that's a damn lie.

being snapped out of my thoughts my teacher said, "justin, do you have the answer to number nine?"

"10 to the fourth power." i said, i wasn't really in the mood for class right now. i just wanted to fix our problems.

ay sorry this was short but i didn't know what to write /: i also just wanted to update for 

this chapter was just a short side of justins feelings, 

i'm thinking ab ending this book soon around like chapter 60 or 50 and making a sequel.. thoughts?



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