Chapter 4

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Evelyn's Point of View

I flew on my bird to the training field and sat on top of the wooden posts that I had found my father at and patiently waited for my new team to show up, they arrived and I got a scolding from Sakura, "Okay geez. I don't need a lecture god damn it..." I told her which earned a light hit on the head for my language, "Watch your language Evelyn" Kakashi scolded, "Yeah yeah..." I said as he removes his hand from my head and returned to the front. "Okay, before we start training, y'all will have survival training. I hope you hadn't have breakfast" he states with a closed eye smile as Naruto protests, "Hey! I thought we were going to have real training! Not this beginner stuff!" I roll my eyes and slowly back away, "Okay, all you have to do is get a bell from me before noon." Kakashi-sensei states when Naruto runs towards him, "I haven't even said start yet,I'm starting to like y'all...BEGIN!" he yells as Sakura, Sasuke and I hide in the trees while Naruto stands wide open, 'You have got to be kidding me...' I sweat-drop and watch as Oto-san pulls out his Make-Out Paradise book, much to disappoint Naruto. "What are you doing?!" he yells at him, "Reading to find out what happens next" he states as Naruto starts attacking him, I sigh and throw a kunai at Kakashi but he dodges, 'He must know where I am now, I gotta move...' I think as I stealthily move away from my old position and move past the other two with out them knowing as Naruto steps into a trap and gets lifted up and is hanging upside down in a tree. I move quicker and quieter as I get away just as he passes me when Sasuke comes down, I jump up in a tree and watch as throws his weapons at Kakashi, he uses the substitution justu and grab Sasuke from under the ground and he gets stuck there, I laugh quietly as Sasuke struggles to get out. I move away and find Sakura in a genjustu. She screams then faints, 'I thought she was the smartest one here...' I think as I walk to her and say 'release', "Hey, you okay?" I ask giving her a hand to get up with, "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" she asks harshly making my anger boil but I stay in control. "I was concerned, I figured out that Kakashi-sensei wants us to work in teams so do you want to team up with me?" I ask her while gritting my teeth to keep myself from snapping at her, "No! I need to find my precious Sasuke-kun!" she says and takes off looking for him, I growl as I shake my head and walk towards Sasuke. I stand in front of him with out him noticing since he's too busy trying to get out of there, I sigh and grab his arm while ripping him out, "I'm going to ask this once, do you want to team up with me?" I ask as he 'hned' and walked away since he wants to keep his precious Uchiha pride, I take a deep breath in and leave. I find Naruto and he's struggling to get out too so I throw a kunai at the rope as he falls down, I left him up, "I'm going to ask this once, do you want to team up with me?" I ask as he refuses, "No, I'm going to defeat him by myself, believe it!" he says making my anger boil once again. "Why can't y'all see that he wants us to team up?" I mumble and see Kakashi standing there, I make my way over there while sighing, "Alright Kakashi-sensei, just me and you. Since my team mates are too dense..." I mumble the last part as he put his book away and I pull out my katana's and make the first move, I run towards him as I jump in the air, "Water Style: Rain Mist Justu" I whisper to myself and fall to the ground, "Water Style: Water Clone Justu" I whisper as another clone appears, it runs around making noise as I sneak behind Kakashi and grab a bell. I jump on a wooden post and cancel my justu's, "My work here is done~" I say as I raise the bell in my hand as I see an orange jumpsuit coming towards me reaching for the bell, I jump back as he face plants into the post that I was on, I avoid Kakashi by dodging is attempts to pin me down but I dodge every last move as the timer goes off. I smirk and go to sit on my post with a smirk on my face and bell in hand, "I'm very disappointed in you Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto. When Evelyn offered to team up with her you, you declined the offer and that's what this was all about, and since you declined the offer, Evelyn got all the bells with out your help to my surprise. Sakura, you should've realized that I put you in a genjustu. Naruto, don't fall for obvious tricks and Sasuke, don't try to put your Uchiha pride first. Evelyn, you were the only one to realize that y'all had to use teamwork so good job" Kakashi states as everyone looks all gloomy. I sigh and jump down from the post I was on, I toss a bell to my team mates and sit in a tree, "You all will not go back to the academy..." he starts as I roll my eyes knowing where this is going, "So we passed? Woohoo!" Sakura cheers as I face-palm, "But y'all will be banned from becoming a ninja ever again except for Evelyn and no. It's not because she's my daughter, she earned it" he states as they all look down as I smirk and hop down from my tree, I grab my katana that I forgot he got out my hand and got it stuck in the tree as I go and sit down by him with no emotions showing due to my mask. I sigh and their fail and then decide to speak up, "Guys, he's playing around. Naruto will have to be tied to a post while the other two will be able to have lunch and if you feed Naruto you will all fail. That correct?" I ask Kakashi after wards as he nods his head, "Well, I'm gonna go" I state and 'leave' but I really just sit behind the KIA Stone with Kakashi. "So your trying to make them feed Naruto so you can pass them? If they do, it'll be your first team to pass from what you told me" I whisper as he hums in response, I look behind the stone and see them feeding Naruto, "Well, there goes your team feeding him, go get em' tiger" I say and pat his shoulder as he nods and gets up. Once he finished his little speech I start laughing at Sakura's and Naruto's scared look, "What are you laughing at?" Sakura asks angrily, "You should've seen your faces!" I sate as she comes at me and tries to punch me, I move in a flash as have her arm at her back and facing the other two, "Take this to heart of what an enemy would do: Sasuke. Kill Naruto or I'll kill Sakura, would you do it?" I ask him as she starts squealing like Sasuke's gonna save her, "Sasuke-kun! Please save me!" she acts all...'ugh'... I let her go and she walks back over, "Let that be a lesson. I'm actually am gonna go this time. See ya" I state and take my leave.

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