Chapter 15

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Alright, I'm just lazy so I'm not going to type what training Sasuke, Kakashi and Evelyn go through because I'm yeah.... Sorry if you wanted that!

Onto le story~

Evelyn's POV

"Dad! Hurry up! I'm going to be late for my match!" I yell at him through the door me and Sasuke were waiting on,

"Okay okay! Calm down, epic entrance?"  he asks as I sigh

"It'll be an epic entrance if I get on time to my match! See you guys there~" I say and flash onto the railing in front of Kiba, Shikamaru and Naruto.

"Evelyn! Your here!" Naruto yells out and I give a peace sign

" I late for my match? My sensei was being a stubborn one on  leaving" I inform him as they all sigh and sweat-drop

"No, your right on time so please come down" Hayate tells me so as I'm about to jump down, Naruto finds it a funny idea to smack my back, making me yelp and fall down but I summon chakra to my feet and walk on the wall, while glaring at Naruto, making him shiver in fear. I sigh and walk towards Raven Otsuki, my opponent.

"Ne, sorry if y'all were waiting, I'm ready to start our match" I say while rubbing the back of my head as Hayate nods.

"Let the match between Raven Otsuki and Evelyn Hatake...BEGIN!" Hayate announces while I yawn in the back of my hand.

"You can take the first move, it's too troublesome for me..." I tell her and shove my hands in my pockets and I can literally feel the  people sweat-dropping at my antics.

"If you insist.... Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!" Raven yelled as I just stood there and then removed my hands from my pockets and let the bullets hit me...literally. I didn't move back an inch as I stood there boredly.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Bullets" I say as my finger tips start having electricity cackling as I send two hidden bullets and then three shown bullets which she dodges but I smirk and watch as the two hidden bullets hit her

"Really? I thought you were better then-" she starts but starts coughing

"Huh? I couldn't hear what you were saying, can you repeat that?" I ask with a hand to my ear as then a water current comes my way but I run to the left and then side roll to avoid it as she continues this multiple times.

"Earth Style: Choking Barrier!" she yells as mud forms around me and attaches itself onto me and then starts and then starts squeezing me but I form hand signs the best I can while losing my breath and send electricity sparking all around me, destroying the barrier holding me. I fall to the ground, taking in air as she looks shocked and then starts forming rapid hand signs that I can't keep up with but it's too troublesome to use my Sharingan so I watch her intensely as mud and water starts to fill the arena up, supposedly meant to poison anyone so I start forming hand sign and then slam my hand on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!" I yell out as a dark blue phoenix with a bit of pink comes and swoops me up in the air as people watch with awe. "Rin, that jutsu....what is it?" I ask Rin, my phoenix,

"That jutsu, it's meant to poison  people until they die for whoever touches it but the jutsu caster isn't affected, it's a good thing that you called me at this time. It looks like we'll attack from the sky" Rin tells me as I nod and start performing hand signs while looking at the frustrated Otsuki on the ground as she starts performing her own jutsu.

"Lighting Style: Chidori Spear" I mumble and aim by hand towards the water and force it to follow her current, and shock her to deactivate the killing jutsu she has going on down there. I narrow my eyes as it goes away so I fly low and jump off,

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