Chapter 12

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"Alright you genin, I will be your first exam proctor so shut your traps.My name is Ibiki Morino and I want you to all line up and get your numbers for your seating. Also, I have jounin ninja all around the room so that if you cheat on my test, they will mark your name down and points will be deducted. If you are caught three times, you will be removed from the Exams forever" he announces so we get in line and get our numbers, Kiba's in front of me, Naruto's all the way in the front, and we're just pretty much all scattered around the room. I look around the room and see Kotetsu and Izumo, they both give me that look that says 'Yes, I'm watching you' so I pull my mask down and smirk and lean back some while pulling my mask back up as I got my paper. I narrowed my eye at it as Ibiki yelled out 'Begin!', I flipped the paper over and read the first question.

'If a kunai was thrown at point A and...' I kept on reading that question and once I got tired of trying to solve it, I moved onto the other questions when it hit me.


'So their trying to get me to cheat on the test without being caught huh?' I asked myself while smirking underneath my mask as I saw Akamaru barking Kiba the answers so I lifted my head band up just a little bit and pretended I had to itch it and copied the movements of Kiba's pencil. I stopped itching after 8 seconds, when I got all the answers and put my pencil down and flipped my test over, "Alright, so there's 10 minutes before the tenth question so anyone who wants to back out now, you may do so and try again next year" he announced and some raised there hands so I looked over at Naruto and saw nothing on his paper, Nothing. Nope. Just. His. Name. I sigh and watched his movement as his hand slowly starts to raise and then he slams it own the table, I smile behind my mask as he does his small little speech, "Okay all...Pass!" he shouted and I smiled even more. "So wait! Was this test all for nothing?!" Kiba yells at Ibiki and he was about to respond when someone jumps in through the window, shattering it in the process while hanging up a banner. "Congratulations on passing the first exam, I am your second Exam Protctor, Anko Mitarashi. Wow, Ibiki. I think your going soft" Anko teases him.

"Or they just gotten stronger" he replies back

"Nah, you've gotten softer~ Anyways, follow me!" she announces and we reluctantly follow her towards this large forest, "It's so pretty" I mumble but Anko heard, "I know right, it's called the Forest of Death" she whispers and I nod as she walks ahead. I look at the forest in awe and how I'm about to go in there, "Alright, so this is where your second part of the Chunin Exams are going to take place. It's called the Forest of Death, y'all will be given one scroll, either a heaven scroll or an earth scroll. You objective is to obtain both scrolls and head to the tower and you will pass. Now, you will have to sign these papers before getting signed up" she announces, "Why do we have to do that?" Sakura asks, "Because if you die in there, I won't have to be responsible for your death" she says with a sickly smile making me roll my eye at her but still sign it anyways and head into a tent. I hand in my paper as they give me both scrolls, "What?" I ask when Anko comes in, "Aright, so we know that your the fourth member of Team 7 and your going in alone so we're going to give you both scrolls, but. You have to wait till Day three before heading to the tower or else you'll be eliminated. Understand?" she asks, "Yeah" I respond simply and put both scrolls into my kunai pouch and head to my gate while reading my book, "Alright. You have five minutes to get ready and when we open this gate, you can go in" one of them explains and I nod my head.

*Five minutes later*

The gates starts to open and I put my book away, I walk past the guards and they wish me good luck, I nod my head and start running into the forest. I jump into a tree and start running in them. I decided that I'm just going to sit in the trees while reading my book until Day three when I hear a scream that sounded like...Hinata? I run towards the scream and feel Kiba's, Shino's and Hinata's chakra so I stay in the trees and see sand squishing them in their bodies...Gaara! I growl quietly and see it getting tighter and tighter so I make a shark made of water and aim it towards the sand to dampen it and let them loose and it worked, I threw a kunai down at him but he dodged since he can't use his sand and that's when I make my appearance. "Evelyn!" Kiba says in shock, I put up a peace sign with out turning around and pulled out my black blade katana and glared at him threateningly and once Gaara left, I left them, as their trying to catch their breath. Once I make sure that their out of range, I jump down a branch or two and move in their view, "You guys okay?" I ask them, "Ye-yeah...than-thanks Evelyn" Hinata stuttered, "It's no problem, just stay away from that guy. He's very dangerous" I warn them as they nod, "Hm and Kiba?" I call out to him as he looks at me and nods, telling me to continue. "What was that about it being easier to defeat me since I was alone?" I ask him with a mocking smirk, "Shut up..." he muttered, "Anyways, take care guys! Sorry your scroll got taken away!" I tell them while standing up and flashing away, I start walking in the trees when I see Sakura,Sasuke and Naruto. I shrug and walk past them , making sure they saw me as Naruto calls me out.

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