Chapter 5

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Evelyn's Point of View

I wake up to Oto-san shaking me and telling me to get up, "Ten more minutes" I mumble and roll over like he did when went to wake him up, "Come on Evelyn, it's time to get up" Kakashi states and sits on the bed. "Let me be late, I mean like your late all the time. They can deal with it" I state and try to fall back asleep but he keeps on shaking me which pisses me off. "Fine, fine. I'm up" I grumble and sit up while covering my left eye that holds a..."Why are you covering your eye?" he asks me, "I have my reasons..." I mumble and hope that he'll let the topic go. "And your reasons are?" he asks making me sigh, "It's just...It's better if you don't know..." I explain making his curiosity grow even more,"Evelyn. Don't make me tickle you to get the answer out~" he teases and scoots closer making my right eye widen, "No! Not the tickles! They're evil!" I yell while standing up on the bed with my other hand pointing at him making him chuckle, "You leave me no choice then~" he says and grabs my foot making me fall on the bed and climbs on top of me and starts tickling me. I laugh and laugh and squirm in his grip as he continues to tickle me. "Okay okay! I'll tell you!" I yell out, out of breath as he stops and gets off of me, "Once I finish getting ready~" I tease him and push him out my room and locking my door. I take a shower and put on my ninja gear () and adjusted my twin katana's on my back and my kunai pouch on the right side of my hip and my ninja headband covering my left eye, "Can I get an explanation now?" he asks politely making me tense and sit down, " know that I know that you have the sharingan in your left eye right?" I ask him hopefully praying that he'll see where this is going, "How do you know about that?" he asks back making me smirk, "Uh...I thought you wanted to know why I cover my left eye not that but okay" I state making him shake his head and look back at me, "I had a friend that was once an Uchiha that had the sharingan...and we were playing one day and she had passed her uh...sharingan to me before she passed..." I explained while trying to keep my tears in but they disobeyed me and fell down my face and I buried my head in my hands. I felt him pull me into an embrace, placing my head on his chest, letting me cry into his chest as he rubs comforting circles on my back to calm me down which does. I yawn and lean backwards, "I can already feel like today's going to be a drag" I tell no one in particular as I sit straight and a glass of water appears in my vision, I thank Oto-san and drink it as it's burned making me spit it back into the cup. " How do you burn water?!" I ask and grab the book he's reading and run out the door with him following. "This is fun~" I tell him as we run towards where we're supposed to be meeting the rest of the team after an hour of sleeping. I run onto the bridge while smiling behind my mask and dodging Kakashi's attempts to get his precious book back while the other's watch us, "Your getting slower Oto-san~" I tease him as he jumps on me making me fall and grab the book from my hand and lift me back up before I fall. I sigh and lean against the railing, "Your late!" Sakura and Naruto yell at us making me shrug, "So? What about it?" I ask her while she growls and is about to punch me on my head but I poof on top of the tall post, "Watch it bubble-gum" I tell her while glaring at her with my one eye. "Ugh! Sasuke-kun! Tell her to leave me alone!" she tries to order Sasuke to do so but he looks at me and shrugs, "I mean like you leave me alone, your the one trying to hit me" I tell her and poof next to Kakashi who just watches with amusement. "Alright. Now that y'all have stopped arguing, we have a mission" he states which makes Naruto cheers, "Come on come on! Alright! What is it Kakashi-sensei?!" he yells making me cover my ears from his loud-mouth. "There's this lost cat..."

*Mission Part~*

"Evelyn. Point D"

"Sakura. Point A"

"Sasuke. Point B"

"Naruto. Point C. Believe it!"

"Okay, once you have an eye on the target. Capture it" Kakashi orderedd us earning a 'Hai' from all of us.

Naruto's POV

I'm looking around the forest and found the cat that we're supposed to be searching for. I jump on the cat, "Found the cat! Ow! Stop!" I announce to them while trying to get the damn cat off of me so it can stop scratching my face up, "I already have whiskers god damnit!" I yell at it as it stops and jumps on Evelyn's shoulder. "Uh-uh, no way." she states and puts the cat on Sakura's shoulder instead of her's. I look at her in confusion as she pulls out a book from one of her pockets and starts reading it with on hand in her pocket, "I don't do cats Naruto" she tells me as I form my mouth into the shape of an 'o' and get up, "Looks like everything is done, now all we have to do is return the cat to the owner" Kakashi-sensei states as we all say 'Hai' in sync and start walking to a lady who looks sad and is fiddling with her fingers, Sasuke takes the cat off of Sakura's shoulders and holds it in front of the lady's face. She instantly lights up and cuddles the cat towards her breasts, suffocating it.

"Poor cat" Sakura states

"That's what that cat gets" I chime and look over at Evelyn who's talking to her dad, I smile at her and we go to report the mission was a success.

Eveyln's POV

"I can see why it ran away" I state to no one in particular while sweat-dropping and hear a hum in response and look to see Oto-san reading his book with a faint blush on his face, I sigh and reach for the book and I managed to grab it. "Give me my book back, it was getting to the good part!" he whines making everyone turn around to look at us, "Yeah and the good part is getting to the Hokage's Office to report our mission." I turn towards the others and mouth 'run' and they take off towards the Hokage's Building, "If you want it back so badly, then come get it back~" I tease him and start to run with him hot on my trail, I smile underneath my mask as we pass the others making me laugh lightly so they won't here and I make a sharp turn, losing Kakashi. I smirk and watch him look around for me, I drop down silently and hug him from behind, "Hi Oto-san" I say making him jump a little and snatch the book from my hand, "Hm, didn't even realize that we were here" I state as the others arrive, winded and breathing heavily. I give them a closed eye smile as we walk in to report our mission to the Hokage.

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