Chapter 20

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Evelyn's POV

'What's the point in training when I need to heal?'

I thought as I got dressed in my outfit and strapped my two katana's and my kunai and shuriken pouches and then my Leaf Head-band on my right leg. I walked towards Kyoya to see him smirking devilishly making me hesitate but continue walking.

"What's with the smirk Kyoya?" I ask as I check out my dull kunai. I'm going to have to get some new ones...

"Oh nothing~ Now to start your training, we'll have a one-on-one match with me to see where you are. Then we'll start from there~" he tells me...why do I have a bad feeling about this? Oh well~

"If you say so..." I trail off boredly. I watch his moves carefully as I pull out a kunai for easy maneuvering and watch as he weaves hand-signs for chidori. I put the kunai away and make hand-signs for the Rasengan to clash together with. We ran towards each other as I added some Lightning chakra to it to see what happened and it had become a sparking blue ball with something black in it making me wonder but I put it off to the side and they clashed together, causing a huge explosion to happen. I turned on my Sharingan and located Kyoya as I ran towards him and punched him in the gut, sending him flying out of the smoke and then threw a kunai towards him, leaving a deep gash on his arm. I ran towards him as he bring out a kunai as I took out a kunai as well and clashed against his but it was too dull and it shattered in half, giving him the chance to stab me in the torso but I moved to the left and he left a deep gash on my right side. Fuck. I swore in my head as I applied pressure to the wound and then quickly dodged shuriken thrown from Kyoya. I flashed away as I felt my chakra depleting faster by flashing. That's something I have to work on, I summoned one of my katanas and made one handed hand-signs for a fire style jutsu.

'Fire Style: Great Phoenix Flower Jutsu' I thought as blew multiple fireballs towards him as they exploded. I panted on one knee and felt something hard hit my back, causing me to fall in the water I was walking on. I swam to the surface and coughed up water that got into my lungs and had looked around. I activated my Sharingan in hopes of sensing his chakra, I added and ounce of my chakra to my eyes to see farther and found him swimming underneath me, I quickly jumped out of the water as he had tried hitting me with something black underneath the water... I landed on the water as he popped out behind me and tried slashing me with a kunai. I had dodged and pulled out a kunai that he had dropped once and we just kept clashing our kunai together. (like older Kakashi and Obito fighting...laptop acting up so I kept pull it up for you) I had made a clone and saw it making a Rasengan and slam it into Kyoya's back, only for it to be a clone. I felt something peirce my stomach and saw a hand, more likely Kyoya's hand... I felt black spots invade my vision but I pushed it away and he ripped his hand out, I placed my hands there and I let a purple-ish looking color coat my hands and I started to heal myself.

"Okay, I think that's enough training for the day. Say, do you have your Mangekyo Sharingan?" Kyoya asked me as I smirked and flashed it before letting it go away

"Alright, do you know of a black fire that never goes out?" he asked me making me tilt my head cutely

"*sigh* It's called Amaterasu, lately, Itachi Uchiha *cue Evelyn's flinch* has used it. I'm going to teach it to you." Kyoya told me as I just nodded.

"Okay, so it's a black fire that burns anything but I shouldn't teach it to you right ow. You'll have to wake up soon, like, right now. Something's going on with that Uchiha brat. I'll have a surprise next time you end up back here. Later" I heard everyone tell me goody-bye as light flooded my vision as I opened my eyes, only to close them immediately due to the bright light. I slowly opened my eyes as I sat up, remembering Sasuke. I ripped the I.V out of my arm and looked at the hospital gown I'm in. I opened one of my scrolls and there were my ninja outfit, I quickly put it on as Tsunade came in, I'm guessing she's the new Hokage.

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