Chapter 16

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Hey hey peoples! My name is "I'm weird, what's wrong with you" (I usually shorten it to IWWWWY) I'm your new coauthor, and I shall be writing alongside my imaotou, Shadow-Rose-chan. I love ya, and I hope you enjoy this. I'll be introducing my OC in this. And please note! This will be an arc of my own, so this will not be in the anime. You have been warned.

I rose to consciousness with a pounding headache. My eyes were still closed, so I couldn't see if I was blind still or not. I searched mentally along my body, causing my fingers to twitch.

Apparently there was people waiting for me to recover, as there was a loud voice right by my ear.



"Idiot, you're gonna give her a heart attack." My dad says nonchalantly. I chuckle weakly.

"Too late for that."

"Evelyn!" My dad cried out. I open my eyes to him crushing me into a hug.


"I thought I was gonna lose you!"


"You wouldn't wake up!"


"When the doctors said you started to recover-"

"Kakashi, she's purple." Sasuke's voice rang out. Immediately, Dad let go of me, and I took a deep breath. I look around.  was in the hospital, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Naruto with me. I blink. Then blink again.

"What happened while I was out? How long have I been out?"

"You've been asleep for 5 days. We've repaired most of the buildings, courtesy of help from the Village Hidden in the Mist. Lord Third's funeral was two days ago. Your wound is mostly healed, thanks to your fox spirit that resides in you." That's when I realized that I could feel no pain. I made a mental note to check it when I change. "May I get out of here?" I ask.

"I'll see if I can't get you discharged." Dad says, and heads off. Naruto and Sasuke follow him. I look around, and, seeing no one was there, summoned Rei.

"What can I do for you?" Rei asked, sinking on his front paws in a mock bow.

"Did you help with healing my wound?" I immediately ask. He nods. "C-can you stay with me? I really don't want to be alone." He agrees, and I fall asleep.

Timeskip brought by Grell's chainsaw/Death Scythe

I met my team outside the hospital after I got discharged about an hour later. I checked a clock before I exited. I'm almost late... Ah, screw it, it's never bothered me before. I walk with my teammates before Dad decides to drop in.

"Evelyn, she's not gonna wait for much longer. You've gotta go." He reminds me. I start. CRAP!! I'm suuuuper late! "IGOTTAGOGUYS,BYEEEEEEEEEEE!" I yell as I sprint off. I run toward the Hokage faces, streaking toward the top of Lord Fourths head. CRAPCRAPCRAP I hope she waited!!! Sure enough, there she was. My old friend.

"ADDIE-CHANNNN!" I cry out. She turned, her annoyed expression plain on her face, which made me stop.

"You... YOU'RE TWO HOURS LATE!!!" She screamed, pointing an accusing finger in my direction. I stratch the back of my neck sheepishly. "Y-yeah, I was walking with my teammates. I kinda forgot... BUTI'MHERENOWSOPLEASEDON'TKILLME!!!!!!!" I finish in a rush, holding up my hands for protection. She laughed and charged forward for a hug.

Oh, did I mention? This is Adelaide Rossingol, a former colleague of mine. She's part nightingale.(This is my oc, hope y'all like her!) I haven't seen her in FOREVER so I ha arranged this like, before I graduated from school. Then, Zabuza, and the Chuunin exams happened. I filled her in, and she told me of other songs she got to learn, and she told me a story.

"So, I was on my way here, when a few rogue ninja decided to make the biggest mistakes of their lives: they decided that they wanted to ambush me. I tied their hands down, and made them go insane. Of all the 6 nin that were there, one of them was hilarious. He kept barking like a seal and tried to eat the dirt!" We broke out into laughter after that. Tears ran down my face, and Adelaide was on her knees, banging on the ground. Poor Lord Fourth. Then, she suddenly sobered up and asked:

"How are you doing after you found out about Rei?"

That got me calm.

"Honestly, it's a shock. But, I'm gonna have to get used to it, 'cause we're gonna be with each other for a while. Besides, he sounds like a good friend to me, so I'm honestly cool with it." I notice a shadow behind her.

"Watch out!" We scream at each other, when a kunai was held at my neck and a katana at hers. Oh no.

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