Chapter 19

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Evelyn's POV *In mind*

I opened my eyes weakly as I feel like I'm being held up, I look around slowly becuase there's a pain in my head but I see black and red...weird, it's supposed to be dark everywhere and I would have to use to light the place up.

"Refennej? Wh-ere are yo-u?" I asked in a horse voice, causing me to flinch at the sound

"He's there, just asleep..." a new voice called making me look around, I tried to move my hands but found that they were shackled to a post, I tried to struggle free but my body was too weak

"Who are you?" I snarled with venom dripping from my voice, yet it took all I had to not stutter.

"I'm not here to harm you, just settle down" the voice ordered

"Then maybe come out of hiding and maybe I will" I spat at the new voice

"Fine, your too stubborn..." the voice said and out stepped a man with red hair, his right eye is a light pink with a scar running down it and his left is a ocean blue. He wears black framed glasses, a light blue shirt under a white formal shirt and a

"Now will you calm down brat? The name is Kyoya Raegan (Ray-eh-gan) and I'll be training you like the old man asked me to." he explained as my head hung from exhaustion grey-ish scarf around his neck. and lastly, he has a very dark purple rose in his hand.

"So what exactly are you doing here and why the hell am I chained up to a wall?" I asked curiously

"...I dunno?" he stated more like a question





"What do you mean, 'I dunno?'!" I yelled at him with a glare making him flinch

"Just get me down..." I mumbled as he slowly walked over to my chains and undid them, leaving me to fall to the ground. I felt a hand grab my arm and drape it across someone's shoulders,

"Your light" he stated

"No shit sherlock" I grumble under my breath

"Evelyn!" he yelled

"What?" I reply

"Language!" he scolded me, no one does that without my smart comments

"English dumb-ass" I reply with a smirk to see his face flush and he lightly smacked the back of my head while muttering 'baka' under his breath making me pout.

"Anyways, what are you doing here Kyoya-san?" I asked him while I focus on healing myself to the best of my abilities.

"Well, I'm the person who's going to train your for the next three years but I decided to take a visit to your mind for a while. Also to see what you can do but seeing you injured...we can rest for a bit" he told me while setting me down on a bed and sat next to me. I sigh and lean back, to fall into something hard, I look behind me to see Kyoya there smirking, I fell into his god damn chest...what the hell? I sighed and stayed there. What? I'm too tired and it's troublesome to move, plus it's comfy.

"By the way, tell anyone about this and your dead, especially if it's my dad" I warned him before relaxing into his chest as I feel him lay down and pull the covers over me and probably him, I feel so safe. I close my eyes and let the darkness take over me.

Kyoya's Point of View

Good. She fell asleep. I grabbed the book next to me as I sit up in the bed we're laying down on and opened to her profile page

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