Chapter 8

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I wake up to Sakura shaking me, telling me that it's time to get up so we can get Tazuna to the bridge to help finish, I reluctantly sat up and rubbed my right eye since my left eye was covered my. I groaned in pain that came from stomach but ignored it and looked at the katana's and remember how I have blood stained all over it making me hit the back of my head on the floor on purpose startling Sakura, "Ah! You shouldn't do that Evelyn!" she scolded me but got up, I got up after her to take a shower and get into my ninja outfit that I recently got ( before we left the village. I looked at my katana's and grabbed them to adjust them on my back, then placed my kunai pouch on my left leg and my leaf head band over my left eye, I walked down stairs and decided that I wasn't hungry so I decided to train for a little bit before we left, I worked on walking on water till I was able to go to the other side of the bridge and back, then I walked up the trees and jumped down from halfway and made a crater in the ground from the impact, I stand up slowly from the pain in my stomach but shrug it off and go back to the house. "Evelyn! Where were you?" Sakura asked, "Chill, I was just training before we leave. Figured I would so I could keep up and get used to the pain a bit..." I inform her and go back out to wait for Sasuke, Sakura,Kakashi and Tazuna so we could leave, "Evelyn. Where were you?" Kakashi asked in a demanding voice that I hated hearing, "I was training" I replied simply and he ruffled my hair again making me annoyed, "Next time tell me, I thought you got kidnapped while you were sleeping or something" he told me making me look down, "Sorry..." I mumbled and he pulled me in for a hug. "Alright, let's start making our way there" he ordered and we all started walking, I removed a katana from my back and unsheathed some of it to look at the stained blade, "I guess it's time for a new one..." I mumbled and put it back and kept on walking. (Katana- ) We reach the bridge a hour or so later and I smell blood, a lot of it to be sure. "Oh my god..." I state out loud making everyone look at me, "What is it?" Kakashi asks, "I smell blood, and a lot of it to be exact. It's such a horrible smell" I complain while covering my nose, now wishing that I hadn't gone to Kiba on picking up senses with my nose, I shake my head as we reach the bridge and there's Tazuna's men, lying on the ground with blood every where, "Oh my god..." I state while looking away as we walk into thick mist, "Daddy, it's him" I tell him, trying to see if he means what I mean by him. "Yeah. it's Zabusa, get in formation" he ordered us so we all surrounded Tazuna, all in different directions to protect him as we kept on guard for anything that comes as I sensed Zabusa's smell. I growled, making them look at me in confusion as I looked in the direction that the smell was coming from and narrowed my eyes and grabbed my katana's and looked in a different direction to where he was, I went to pull my head-band up but couldn't.

"Evelyn. Do NOT use your sharingan, you still haven't recovered fully from using it last time" Kakashi said

"But-" I tried to protest but was cut off

"I understand that the mist is hard to see through but still you can't!" he ordered with a harsh tone making me tense and nod my head hesitantly, "Good. Now come on Zabusa, come on out" he said harshly, making me wince at his tone, 'He's never used that tone before...he's serious about this..' I think and just watch what's going on. "Pitiful. That one's even shaking" a boy said, coming from behind Zabusa, "I'm shaking with excitement" Sasuke retorted. "Go on Haku" Zabusa says as he nods. "Alright Sasuke, have at him" Kakashi says as Sasuke jumps to fight the guy. (Why do I feel like it's a Pokemon battle?) I watch in amusement as Sasuke is able to keep up with Haku's speed when Haku blocks off one of his hands, 'He can't do justu's now...' I think as I wonder if I should jump in before anything happens. I watch as Haku performs a one-handed justu and solid ice mirrors form around Sasuke, my eyes widen as I look at Sakura, "Sakura, I'm sorry but I have to go save him. Protect Tazuna for me" I tell her and teleport towards Sasuke and deflect the needles as much as I could but I only get hit, "Huh?" I hear Sasuke ask.

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