Chapter 10

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Evelyn's POV

I wake up and try to sit up but I feel something pulling my head to their chest so I open my right eye to see Kakashi snuggling against me, I smile at him and easily slip through his arms and slip out of the room to go take a shower. I feel myself fresh and rejuvenated from what had happened yesterday and put on some normal clothes that I would wear around the house, which consisted of some white shorts and a black long sleeved shirt, I sit on the couch reading a book because I'm bored as I hear movement on the stairs so I avert my gaze from my book and see Kakashi walking down the stairs, "Mornin daddy" I greet him lazily with a two finger salute and he returns the salute. "How are you feeling?" he asked me, "Meh, a little sore but over all fine" I respond truthfully, "And you?" I ask him while putting my book down on my stomach, "I'm doing fine but I recommend that you get ready for training today, don't want the others to be waiting now" he says as I smirk. "We're always late, what's the difference?" I ask sarcastically making him laugh, "Good one but seriously, go get ready" he orders and I respond with a 'Yes sir!' and run up stairs to get into my brand new ninja outfit because every new one that I get, it get's destroyed or bloodied, perfect. Not. () I walk over to my old katanas and place them in my vloset and grab my extra pair that I'm having a little trouble channeling chakra into,(), and put them in the sheathes on my back and place on my kunai pouch, I grab my head band and go into the bathroom to tame my hair but no use, "Ugh! I hate the Hatake hair curse!" I yell while trying to tame it once again and again until I just give up and stomp my way down stairs while adjusting my head band, "I hate the Hatake hair curse..." I grumble making Kakashi laugh, "Well, I lived with it all my life. You'll get used to it, trust me" he tells me as I lean back in my chair, "It wasn't this hard to tame it before so why now?" I mumble to myself and continue reading my book while eating with my mask down and I check the time after I finish cleaning my plate. "Uh...daddy? We should probably get going, were about 2 hours late" I inform him as he looks at the time and gets up from his seat and starts dragging me out the door, "What lame excuse are we doing this time?" I ask him as he shrugs, "You make one up today" he orders me as I smirk beneath my mask, "No problem~" I chuckle and start making up an excuse, we arrive and Naruto and Sakura yell at us, "Your late!".

"I'm sorry, I was late because we were trying to make up an excuse for being late" I tell them and Kakashi glares at me

"What?! It was true!" I tell him and back up some, I sit down on the bench to relax my legs some as Kakashi starts talking.

"Alright, so the reason why I called you here today is because I signed you all up for the Chunin Exams. You don't have to take them if you don't want to, it's up to you. If you are, meet at the Academy at room 301. Here are the forms and that is all" he tells us and hands us a form, I narrow my eyes at him as he raises his hands up in defense, "There's a catch isn't there?" I ask him once the others leave, "Well, yeah. Since there are only teams of three, you will have to take them by yourself" he informs me, I knew it! "Thought so, anyways, I'll be home soon, I just wanna talk to the team for a bit" I tell him as he nods and poof away, I jump in a tree and sense Sasuke's chakra next to me and Naruto's, Sakura's and three others that I don't know of. I look down and see a boy that looks like a cat, a girl with a large fan and a little kid with a long blue scarf being held up by the cat boy, I grab two rocks and throw one with Sasuke and it hits the boy on the head, "Put him down" I order him while jumping down, "And if I don't?" he asks back. "Then things won't be pretty" I say in a deadly tone making him shiver a bit by my voice but kept up the tough boy act, "What's a scrawny little girl with a beautiful face like you gonna do?" he spat, I glare at him and grab the kid and send a kick to his face, "Like I said, things aren't gonna be pretty" I tell him again as he riles up, "That's it!" he yells and swings a fist at me but I easily catch it without moving an inch back, "That all you can do?" I ask mockingly while smirking, "Alright then, I guess I have to use this" he states and pulls a large thing out that's wrapped in a tissue like wrap, "Your really going to use crow for this?!" the girl asks him when I sense a dangerous chakra in the tree I was in and saw a boy with red hair and the word 'love' written on his forehead. He looks at me and disperses in sand and then re-appears behind the boy, "Stop it or I'll kill you" he orders while releasing a lot of K.I, "I'm very sorry for what he has done" he apologizes for the cat boys mistake, "No need to apologize" I tell him while waving my hand off as Sasuke jumps down from the tree and they started leaving when Sakura called them out.

"From your head bands, I can see your from the village of the sand. Do you have permission to be in our village?" she asks as I sweat-drop

"Of course they do, their here for the Chunin Exams Sakura." I inform her as the girl smiles

"At least one of you here has brains" the girl commented while smirking

"Chunin Exams? I've never heard of them! Believe it!" Naruto yells making me face palm and hit his head

"You idiot! We were just talking to Kakashi-sensei about them! Listen next time baka!" I yell at him

"I believe ya alright, believe that your a complete idiot" the girl says, with that smirk still on her face and they continue to leave until Sasuke stops them this time

"Hey! The guy with the gourd on his back, what's your name?" Sasuke asks

"I'm Gaara, Gaara of the Sand. I would like to know your name too" Gaara asks

"Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha of the Leaf" Sasuke informs him as Gaara turns toward me, "You, I would like to know your name too" he asks

"Evelyn Hatake of the Leaf" I inform them as the cat guy and girls eyes widen, "Like the Copy cat ninja, Kakashi Hatake?" the girl asks

"Yeah, I'm his daughter. Anyways, I have to get going, see you guys at the Chunin Exams" I tell them and leave with one hand waving bye and the other holding my book as I read it and flash away

"I'm home" I call out through the house and sit on the couch, "So what did y'all do?" Kakashi asks, coming in and sitting on the other couch. "Nothing really, just met three people from the Sand Village that are taking the Chunin Exams. One was named Gaara and then there was a girl with four pony tails and a guy that looks like a cat that started picking on a kid so I stopped him, then asked for my name. Told 'em, surprised for some reason" I explain without taking my eyes of the book, "They probably would be surprised to know that I have a daughter, anyways, are you going to participate in the Exams?" he asks me making me drop my book and dead-pan. "You know that answer so why ask?" I ask him and I can tell he's smirking behind his mask, "Just want to see if my daughter was ready~" he tells me as I smirk and pull my mask down, "Sure sure, but honestly, take the mask off. It's hard to see your facial expression through your eyes" I mumble as he shook his head, "You'll see my face one day" he states as I scoff, "As if I would, you'll probably just dodge every attempt" I state and place my hands behind my head and lean down to lay on the couch, I grab my Exam permission form and red through it and signed it. "This is such a drag..." I mumble and sit up, "I'm going to go to bed, night dad" I say and flash towards him while giving him a kiss on the cheek and flash in my room.

Kakashi's POV

"I'm going to go to bed, night dad" Evelyn tells me and flashes next to me and then kisses my cheek, then flashes into her room. 'Where have I seen that before?' I thought at how she flashed next to me and then flashed away, I shrug and go into my room and lay down after taking my gloves, vest and sandals off, I grab my book and start reading it.

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