Chapter 7

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Kakashi's POV

I look at Evelyn who's breathing beside me but yet injured, I try to smile but I can't. 'If only I could've avoided that hit' I think as I hear movement beside me so I look to my left and see Evelyn moving her hand up to her eye and rubs it gently, she tries to sit up but I push her back down gently. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile, "Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask her although I would probably know the answer already, "Like I'm living in hell" she responds back making me chuckle and ruffle her hair although I know it annoy's her. "You never fail to make me smile" I tell her as she looks at me and smirks, " Zabusa dead?" she asks me making me nod my head hesitantly, "The way you nodded your head says no, I'll ask you this, what weapons were used to kill him and where did they hit?" she asks me making me eye widen in realization, "They were senbons and they hit his neck" I say as I realize that he's not dead. "So he's alive" she states as I nod my head and the door opens right as Evelyn sits up, "Evelyn! Your awake!" Naruto yells making us cover our ears as Sakura hits his head, "Your too loud baka" she tells them as Evelyn nods in response along with me. They go down to sit beside us, "Uh guys..Kakashi-sensei has something to tell y'all" she announces making me look at her and nod, "Zabusa, the guy we were fighting..." I trail off, "Is not dead" Evelyn finishes for me as I hum in saying 'yes'. "But that guy even said he was dead and you did too" Naruto announces making me sweat-drop, "Look, he's not dead. He's living. The point where that guy that y'all are talking about had put him in a near-death state to make it look like he was dead" Evelyn explains to them, "Okay, we have training to do tomorrow so everybody let's head down stairs and eat" I tell them as they nod and go down stairs, I wait for Evelyn but she just snuggles into the blankets. "Come on Evelyn" I tell her and walk towards her with my crutches, "Fine fine...I'm coming" she tells me as gets up but doesn't look like she's injured at all but I shrug it off and walk down stairs with her anyways, "I didn't expect you to use your sharingan" I state while smirking. "So did I, why did you look so surprised when I did use it?" she asks me, "Because I...I heard you say something like 'I'm sorry for using this daddy' and I didn't see your mouth moving but I knew what you were going to do" I explain to her and she nods and we reach down stairs, "Glad to see you move" a girl with black hair tells me with a smile, "Oh, I'm Tsunami by the way" she introduces herself. "And I'm Evelyn Hatake" I tell her with a smile, "Oh so your his daughter?" she asks and I nod and sit down next to her, we all say 'thank you' and dig in. I look around the room and see a picture torn, "Hey, why is that picture torn?" Sakura asks and I dead-pan

'Number 1 rule- When in someone's house and you see a picture torn, NEVER ask about it because it was torn for a reason! The person probably died or left them!'

I say in my head as Kakashi looks at me and I raise an eye-brow in confusion, he points to his head and it takes me a while to figure out what he's trying to say but I get it and look at him in surprise, he only chuckles while shaking his head although no one is paying attention to me and him. I look around the table and see a little boy that is young stand up and walk up the stairs, "Inari, where are you going?" Tsunami asks him and he replies without looking back, "I want to watch the ocean" and walks into his room. I stand up and follow after him, I stand at the doorway and see Inari sitting there watching the ocean, "It's pretty isn't it?" I ask while sitting down next to him, "What do you want?" he asks while wiping away his tears. "Look, I know how it feels to lose somebody but hear me out. I never met my mother and she passed, it's hard for me and it's hard for you but you have to believe in us, we'll make sure that the bridge gets built okay?" I tell him and pull him in for a hug on his bed, he enters my arms and starts to settle down and then fell asleep, I laid him down under the covers and walked out of the room and bumped into Sakura the way out. "Sorry Sakura, wasn't watching where I was going" I tell her and yawn, "It's okay Evelyn-san, you must be tired so if you want I'll take you to your room that you share with me" she offers, I smile and nod, "Thanks but you don't have to call me Evelyn-san you know, that reminds me to ask Naruto why he calls me that" I state and let her guide me to my room, I then changed my clothes, brushed my teeth and hair and washed my face up and laid down and instantly fell asleep.

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