Chapter 13

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Evelyn's POV

I woke up feeling energized yet in pain, I looked at my torn hoodie and my left shoulder to see the curse mark and my stab wound. I sighed and got up and checked my kunai pouch and both of my scrolls were still there, I grabbed all my weapons and sat outside to see a sleeping Uchiha, I picked him up and placed him inside with the other while I kept watch until they woke up. It was about a good few minutes or so until they all woke up, "Mornin guys" I called out to them while reading my book, I stood up and waited for everyone to come out. "Hey Evelyn? How's your shoulder?" Sakura asked me and then I realized my mask was down so they could see my smile but I didn't care, "It's been feeling better Sakura, thanks for helping me out back there" I said and pulled my mask up, "Oh come on! Can you at least not wear the mask for today? Please please please!" Naruto begged and I sighed and pulled my mask back down and started walking, "Come on guys, we need to get you your scrolls" I tell them and jump into the trees while holding my left arm to stop the pain that flows through it, "Wait, don't you need scrolls too?" Sakura asks as I turn around while still jumping, "You see...I already have my scrolls. I have to wait till the next day to get to the tower and if I were to enter any earlier, I wouldn't be able to progress in the Exams" I tell her while pulling out both scrolls. "Oh, then are you going to go to the tower tomorrow?" she asks, "No. I'm going to help y'all get y'all's first, we're still a team after all" I say and turn back around and put my scrolls up and keep jumping through the tree as I remembered the scroll I picked up from the Sound Ninja's. "Sasuke. Catch. I forgot to give it to you, picked it up after they left" I told him while throwing him one of the scrolls they needed, I continued on jumping as we were looking for some teams that had the other scroll. Just then, we were ambushed and forced apart. I stood up from my explosion that the enemies had made, I lifted my head band and looked around the area and only found Naruto so I ran towards that direction, "Naruto!" I yell at him and pull him back in time before he was able to get hit with a kunai knife, "Please be more careful" I tell him and bring my white bladed katana out, "Look. I don't who you are or what you want but if you want a scroll, he doesn't have any" I told them, "Then I'm guessing you do then?" he asks

"We have a winner! You guessed correctly! Now..." I start the last part with a deadly tone, "Which one of you guys want to come against a Hatake?" I ask, finishing in a deadly voice as they handed over a scroll that we already have and ran away, I threw it back at them. I grabbed Naruto's wrist and followed the trail to Sasuke's and Sakura's chakra, I let go of his wrist before we arrived and stood in front of the two. "What's the password?" Sakura asked, taking out a kunai, "What password exactly?" I asked turning towards Sasuke as he grabbed my wrist and put me behind him, "Naruto, what's the password?" Sakura asked again, "I don't know! I'm not good at memorizing stuff!" he yells in frustration as Sakura lowers her kunai, "Seriously, what 'password' are y'all talking about?" I ask once again, "We made one up when you weren't here so if we ever got separated, we would have to say the password to know it's us, you wouldn't have known it since we were in different locations at the time" Sasuke explained and I understood as we looked all around for teams with the other scroll we would need but no luck. It was now the third day and I could go into the tower but I wouldn't leave my team behind until Kabuto came along ad offered help and they accepted, "Evelyn. We'll be fine now, you can go to the tower and wait for us there okay?" Naruto told me as I nodded my head hesitantly and took off towards the tower. I opened the large door and walked in, I saw writings on the wall so I opened both of my scrolls and Kakashi poofed out, "Oh so you made it, well- what happened?" he asked as he saw my left shoulder.

"Uh...I might've gotten stabbed with a kunai in my shoulder while I was protecting the team..." I told him as he got a nurse, "Oh dear! We have to get this checked out right away!" she said and dragged me into another room, "May I ask what happened?" the nurse asked,

"So my team was attacked and I went in to help them and I got distracted for a few seconds and got stabbed in the shoulder by a kunai" I told her as she removed my bloodied hoodie piece and I took my shirt and fish net top off so she could examine my wound closer, she patched it up and I put my clothes back on as she gave me a new white hoodie and I left the nurse's room only to get tackled down, "You made it Evelyn!" Kiba exclaimed,

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't and could you please get off my left shoulder?" I asked him as he took his hand off my shoulder and gave me a hand to get up with,

"So what happened to your left shoulder?" Kiba asked

"Long story short, got stabbed with a kunai. Had about seven witnesses saw that whole thing" I told him,

"Who all saw what happened?" he asked again

"Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Sakura and three Sound ninja. It hurt like a bitch too" I grumbled as he carefully slung his arm around my shoulders, "Well, it must've been something big if it distracted you." he told me.

"Mind answering one of my questions?" I asked him, "Sure, you answered mine I'll answer yours" he stated cheerfully

"What happened to get you in that position when I came by and helped y'all?" I asked,

"Hehe, well we were just walking around when he caught us and you saw what had happened next" he explained as I smirked, "What are you smirking at?" he asked

"Oh just thinking about the time when you said it was going to be easy to take me down but instead I helped y'all. You should be lucky that I heard Hinata's scream or I wouldn't have rushed over" I told him,

"Eh well, for now. Let's just relax until we're called for our final part of our exams, we could catch up on what we missed since we were going on missions and all" he offered, "Sure, why not but hold on and stay right here" I told him and ran over to my dad. "Please tell me that your not thinking of getting me back for the water prank" I say as he has that evil glint in his eyes, "You are! Welp...I'm doomed...Anyways, have the rest of our team come by?" I ask him, "Not from what I've seen but I'm sure they'll make it but for now, go catch up with your boyfriend~" he teases me, "It's not like that!" I yell at him and walk back over to Kiba, "What was that all about?" he asks, "Stupid Hatake..." I mumble when he's right in front of me, startling both of us, "Your a Hatake too ya know. Anyways, have fun~" he says and leaves. "Alright, he got me there..." I grumble but we still talk and chat about what's been happening and going on and stuff like that. It reminds me of the Academy Days...

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