Chapter 6

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Evelyn's POV

We, as in Team 7, are walking to the Hokage's Office to report in a mission and look for other mission's.

' knock knock'

Kakashi knocks on the door and we hear a 'come in' so he pushes the door open and we see the Hokage sitting there with papers on his desk, "Hello Lord Hokage, I am here to say that the mission was a success and the cat is back with it's owner" Kakashi states as he smiles and nods, "Okay, so we have several options for your nest mission. We have pulling weeds, walking dogs-" the Hokage starts but Naruto being the loud mouth he is interrupts him. "No! I want to do a real mission! None of this beginner stuff!" he yells at him making me and Kakashi hit him on the head, "You have no wy to talk to the Hokage that way! Y'all are only Genin so-" Iruka was about to continue but the Hokage cut him off, "It's okay Iruka, I'll give y'all a C-Rank mission. Y'all will be escorting someone" he announces and Naruto gets all excited. "Alright! Who are we escorting?!" he asks loudly making me hit him on the head to tell him to pipe down, "Calm down, I'll bring him in right now" he states as a old drunk guy walks in. "This is the man that y'all will be escorting" the Hokage gestures towards the man, "So I'm supposed to entrust my life with these little runts? Especially the small one with the idiotic face?" the man exclaims, " I wonder who the small one with the idiotic face is..." Naruto trails off as we line up with me being the tallest, then Sasuke, Sakura and then Naruto. "I'll demolish you!!" Naruto yells at the man and tries to run at him but Kakashi grabs him by the collar to hold him in place, "Naruto, your not supposed to attack the client" Kakashi tells him as the man looks at me, "This one doesn't even look like she can throw a proper punch, your parents must be dissappointed" he states as I feel my anger boiling that he just one. Insulted ME and two. He said something about me not making my parents proud, I look up and raise my fist, "You want to feel a proper punch?" I ask him in a deadly voice and look in my eyes as every one gets scared of me, "Don't talk about other people when you rarely know them and them their asigned to protct you" I tell him and go back to my regular old self as I feel multiple eyes on me so I turned around and saw everyone looking at me, "What?" I ask them as they shake their heads meaning nothing.

Kakashi's POV

'Well... now people know not to insult her and talk about me being dissappointed in her...' I think with a closed eye smile, "My name's Kakashi Hatake" I introduce myself to the man. "I'm Sakura Haruno, you can trust us" Sakura introduces, "I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it!" then Naruto, still being loud as ever. "Sasuke Uchiha" "Evelyn Hatake" they both say as the man nods, "I'm Tazuna the bridge builder, I put my life in your hands" Tazuna introduces and we all nod, "Everyone go home and pack then meet me at the gate at five" I tell them as we leave so it's just me and Evelyn walking home. "Evelyn, remind me to never insult you" I tell her as we look at each other and give a closed eye smile, "Sure...I think I might've scared Tazuna..." she states while rubbing her neck sheepishly making me chuckle. "Honestly, he shouldn't have said anything to you and now he knows" I tell her as I walk in the house with her tagging behind me as we go into our rooms to get the stuff we need and go to the gate where we meet everyone else, "Alright, lets get moving!" Naruto says with enthusiasm, "Why are you so hyped for leaving the village?" Sakura asks him, "Because it's my first time going out the village! I'm now a traveler!" he says yelling this time so I have to cover my ears.

Evelyn's POV

We're walking down a path and I see a water puddle on the road, 'Seriously...a water puddle when it hasn't rained in weeks?' I ask myself but shrug it off and look at Kakashi as he nods his head meaning that he noticed it as well when enemy ninja jumped up and wrapped chains around Kakashi and 'killed' him, he came at me so I dodged to the left and pulled my katana out and blocked the kunai and shuriken that came my way and kicked it in the gut, sending him flying into a tree so I tied him there as Naruto was frozen in fear. The other enemy ninja stabbed/scratched his hand with it's claws so Sasuke and I jump in and I push him away while Sasuke fights the other off, I inspect his had and it's poisoned as Kakashi comes out from behind the tree's, "Hi" he states as I grab his wrist and made him look at Naruto's hand. "Naruto, stop moving your hand. Your poisoned" he tells him making him freak out, "Kakashi-sensei, we should go back. Naruto's poisoned and we have to get him treated" Sakura states as I pull my bag off my back and looks for something next to Naruto as he stabs his hand with a kunai making his blood splatter on me, "Naruto! What're you doing?!" Sakura asks in shock as he starts out with mumbling something and then it get's louder, "It's always me...I'm going to protect you with this kunai old man, believe it!" he shouts making me wince but still find the medical bandages, "Naruto, if you keep moving your going to die if you lose any more blood" Kakashi and I tell him as he starts freaking out again. I grab his hand and start wrapping it with the medical bandages, "Calm down, but if you did keep on moving you would've died" I tell him as he sighs in relief, "Thanks Evelyn-san" he states making me raise an eye-brow in confusion, I shrug it off and go towards one of the enemy ninja. "How did you know that we would attack?" one asks, " A rain puddle when it hasn't rained in weeks, I'm not an idiot" I state and look at Kakashi and move my hand telling him to cover the other's eyes because it won't be pretty, I punch the guy in the face making him scream as I smile behind my mask and walk away. I walk to Kakashi's side and tap his shoulder, "Y'all can look now" I tell them and we start walking but Naruto stops and looks at me, "Evelyn-san! You got blood on your clothes! Are you okay?!" he asks making me look down at my sleeve and see blood, "Yes, this is the enemies blood and your's when you decided to stab your hand when I was beside you" I tell him as they all look at me, "You killed the enemy ninja?!" they yell at me, "No, I might've only gave him a cut when fighting so it must've got on my clothes. Calm down" I tell them and pull my book out and start reading as we start walking some mist so I put my book away and use the smell and it's none of our's. "Duck!" Kakashi and I yell at them as I pull them down so they could dodge the large sword coming, I look over and see a man with bandages wrapped around the half of his face standing on the sword, "Zabusa Momochi, the silent killer" Kakashi states as I narrow my eye at him and pull my out my katana's out to stay on guard, "Everyone! Manji formation!" (I think that was the formations name) Kakashi yells at us and I jump towards Tazuna with my back facing him. I look around the mist and trying to debate whether or not I should use my sharingan and as I'm thinking, I hear something shaking so I turn my head and see Sasuke trembling in fear, I place my hand on his and look at him, he looks at me and relax's, "No matter what, I'll do my best to protect y'all's lives with mine." I tell them and they smile and they all ease but stay on guard never the less as Kakashi starts fighting and all I can do right now is watch him use his sharingan. "Kakashi-sensei, your really going to use your sharingan for this?" I yell at him as he looks at me and smiles, I smile back as I close my eyes and try to sniff out where he is when he's right in front of me! I snap open my eyes and use my katana's to block his sword and kick him back, "So another sword user, might be good but is never better than me" he says while smirking under his mask making my anger boil as I jump out of formation and start to attack. He lands small hits on me sending me back some as I land on the ground with my katana stopping me from going any further, I growl at him and remove my katana from the ground and stand up fully while looking around for him, I feel a presence behind me so I turn around and swing my sword at it but it flies out of my hand and lands in a tree, I place my other one on my mouth as I jump back so I'm in view of the group. "Water style: Water clone justu" I whisper and four water clones pop up and defeat Zabusa only for it to turn out into a clone, I clench my fist around the handle of the katana and see something flying at me, I look closer and it's Kakashi-sensei so I stab my sword in the ground and catch him just before he hits the ground, he looks startled and looks behind him to see me narrowing my eye at Zabusa. "That little girl really thinks she can defeat me huh?" he states making me growl as I help Kakashi up but he pushes me towards the group meaning that he wants to do this on his own, I take a deep breath and believe in him as I raise my katana and look in the metal seeing how I have blood from my neck but I shake it off and watch the fight that's going on. I watch as Zabusa sends Kakashi flying towards the water and in a second, he has him trapped in a water prison, I grit my teeth as he makes water clones, I make my own clones and send them after him. 'I'm sorry for using this daddy' I think in my mind and raise my head-band to reveal a sharingan, "So you have the sharingan too huh, let's see if you can do more damage than your sensei~" he states making me look at Kakashi with a sympathetic look as his eyes widen, I glare at Zabusa and start running and slashing at him, I throw multiple kunai and shuriken at him so I can keep him dodging them while I go behind and take out one of the clones. I watch as Sasuke then comes to fight but only gets pinned down by one of the clone's foot, I run towards him and jump up as Sasuke stares at me with wide eyes as he sees the sharingan in my left eye but I ignore it as I bring my katana down but he caught my hand and threw me into a tree to avoid getting hit. "Damn.." I mumble and jump off the tree and run back towards the clones and defeat them one by one, I'm too busy paying attention by fighting and getting Zabusa's clone's foot off of Sasuke's back to realize that a clone was behind me, I look behind me and slash at the clone and it disperses into water and I sheathe one of my katanas so I can do one-handed justus to make more water clones so there's about five more of me and I throw shuriken that's in my left hand and I throw them at the remaining clones while more come and my clones fight Zabusa's clones and I fail to notice another clone behind me because my sharingan is at it's max from being used so it lowers to a level one sharingan before it disappears is replaced with a gold eye and I can no longer see behind me so I cannot tell if the clone is behind me or not and I'm lifted off the ground and started to get choked making me drop my sword and raise my hands to try and pry the hand from my neck but he throws me into a tree and pins my clothes to the tree, he walks over as I stick there like a magnet as he raises his fist and punches me in the face and then takes a kunai and stabs me in my gut making me scream loudly in pain, he smirks at my screams. "I never thought you could scream, especially since your father won't so I'm glad I can hear yours~" he says in my ear making me shiver at his voice and he then punches the kunai on purpose making the wound deeper than it already was making me scream louder then before as everyone watches in horror, "Okay. Shut up, your screaming gives me a head ache, I thought it was nice before but now it isn't" he growls punching me, "You mean like your face?" I ask back and manage to remove my leg and kick him away for me as I get my right arm loose and take the kunai off of my clothes making me fall to the ground. "You really have guts if you think you can just insult like that, your father must be disappointed" he states making me eyes widen as I growl and struggle to stand up as fire covers my body. I look up at him as he smirks behind the bandages, I grab a kunai knife from my pouch and throw it at him as I run around throwing multiple shriken and kunai, giving him cuts in the process as he tries to figure out what's going on and when I try to give the final blow, he throws me into the water and over Kakashi's head was and I can see his wide eyes staring at me but I try and give him a smile to re-assure him but I cough up blood once I finally stand up in the water. I stand up shakily while trying to take in breath's of air as he towers over me while smirking behind those bandages of his and picks me up and throws me into another tree, I slide down it as he walks up to me and picks me up by the neck choking me, I try to raise my hand but they fall back down to my side as I have no energy left to do anything but lay there in his hands as he slams me to the ground, making me cough more blood. "That's it you fuckin bitch!" I yell at him and kick him in his precious family-making are as he groans in pain and falls by my side and I use that to stand up and unsheathe my last katana and try to stab him but he rolls and stands up and kicks me in the water, I groan in pain and slowly stand up and walk out, "You....little....fucker!" I yell and sprint towards him and flash behind him and stab his shoulder making the water splash in my face. I slowly breathe in and out before falling backwards and my chest slowly rising and falling with my eyes barely open, I see another fuckin clone looming over me and stabbed me in my stomach, skimming the kunai that was already there and making my vision going hazy and my eyes close. "...NOOOO!!" I hear Kakashi, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura yell at the same time as my vision blurs and he drops me to the ground.

Kakashi's POV

'No...she can't be dead...don't die...NO!' I yell in my mind as I watch him pick her up and drop her as she lays there limp on the floor, not moving. I look at her as tears form in my eyes when I see Sakura and Tazuna running towards her and pick her up by the shoulders to see her pained expression, I glare at Zabusa as he smirks behind his mask, "Aw, was that your daughter that you just witnessed die by my hands~?" he asks me as my glare gets harder and I see a demon wind shuriken coming our way making Zabusa release me. I fall into the water for a second before I stand up and stand on the water, we start running around as I copy his exact hand movements and we start fighting with me getting revenge on him for killing Evelyn.

Sakura's POV

"...NOOO!!" Everyone yells except Tazuna and Zabusa, I watch as Sasuke and Naruto starts to fight after Evelyn falls to the ground, "Tazuna...I need you to stay close to me while I walk over to Evelyn" I tell him as he nods and I start walking over to her lifeless body. I pick her up by her shoulders and see a pained expression on her face, I gasp at her injuries as I hear footsteps and another gasp, I turn around to see Tazuna with his eyes widened at her. I feel tears coming in my eyes and they fall on her chest that's moving slowly, I feel a hand wiping my tears away so I open them to see Evelyn smiling and wiping them away, " th-they oka-y?" she asks shakily as I look back and nod seeing them run this way, "Go-od" she states and falls limp once again. I hear three more gasps as Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi-sensei with a hand over their mouth's, Naruto has tears in his eyes as he looks at her. "Will she make it?" I ask Kakashi-sensei as he picks her up and removes the kunai from her stomach, "If we start running back then she may have a chance. Tazuna, please lead the way" he tells Tazuna as we all start running towards his house with him in front.

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